Book Title: Sustainable Finance

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Book Description: In recent years sustainability has become central to business education and thinking. At the same time, there has been rapid growth in and demand for sustainable finance by governments, corporations, NGOs, investors and individuals. Concerns about corporations’ contribution to environmental and social problems has meant that “finance as usual” is being challenged. It is evident that the traditional view, increasing shareholder wealth as the sole metric upon which to make business decisions (“shareholder primacy”), is no longer appropriate for today. Sustainable Finance therefore provides a more holistic view of finance and answers the question of how business and investors can incorporate environmental and social factors into financial decision-making.
Book Information
Book Description
In recent years sustainability has become central to business education and thinking. At the same time, there has been rapid growth in and demand for sustainable finance by governments, corporations, NGOs, investors and individuals. Concerns about corporations’ contribution to environmental and social problems has meant that “finance as usual” is being challenged. It is evident that the traditional view, increasing shareholder wealth as the sole metric upon which to make business decisions (“shareholder primacy”), is no longer appropriate for today.
Sustainable Finance provides a thorough introduction to the field of sustainable finance and how it is implemented today. We show the corporate and the investor viewpoint, as well as detail how government and non-government bodies have contributed to the development of sustainable financial markets. In the final segment, the book takes a “deep dive” into two pressing contemporary issues: climate change and Māori views of sustainable finance.
Throughout the textbook, readers are provided with engaging, interactive exercises and case studies to cement their learning.
Sustainable Finance Copyright © 2024 by The University of Queensland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Green finance / sustainable finance