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56 results
Why play works book cover

Why play works

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Marilyn Fleer, Kelly-Ann Allen, Anne Clerc-Georgy, Leigh Disney, Liang Li, Lara McKinley, Gloria Quinones, Prabhat Rai, Janet Scull, Anne Suryani

Subject(s): Education, Early childhood care and education

Institution(s): Monash University

Publisher: Monash University Library

Last updated: 06/12/2024

The focus of this textbook is on play and learning through a Conceptual PlayWorld. This evidence informed model helps teachers to plan innovative practices relevant for a range of discipline concepts. The teachers and children after reading/hearing a children’s book or nursery rhyme or fairytale jump into the story as characters from the book/story, go on adventures, meet challenges that they solve and return to the real world enriched, and excited to go back in for another adventure (potentially bringing with them things they have learned to enrich their play). The 5 characteristics of planning for a Conceptual PlayWorld are: 1) Selecting a story, 2) Designing an imaginary play space; 3) Planning an exciting entry and entry into that space; 4) Planning a problem that the characters of the story (children in role) will meet and need to solve using concepts; 5) Planning the role of the adults in the imaginary play.

This evidence-informed model forms the foundation of each chapter in the book. Students will learn:

● what is a Conceptual PlayWorld

● the research that underpins a Conceptual PlayWorld

● how to plan and implement a Conceptual PlayWorld

● how to contextualise a Conceptual PlayWorld for specific ages, contexts and discipline content

● how to assess and make learning visible in a Conceptual PlayWorld

● to be leaders and innovators by designing creative and imaginative programs using a Conceptual PlayWorld model of pedagogical practice

● the utility of Conceptual PlayWorlds for creativity, imagination, and wellbeing.

Qualitative Research – a practical guide for health and social care researchers and practitioners book cover

Qualitative Research – a practical guide for health and social care researchers and practitioners

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Australia)

Author(s): Darshini Ayton, Tess Tsindos, Danielle Berkovic

Editor(s): Darshini Ayton, Tess Tsindos, Danielle Berkovic

Subject(s): Research methods: general, Public health and preventive medicine, Personal and public health / health education, Educational: Health and social care

Publisher: Monash University Library

Last updated: 06/12/2024

This guide is designed to support health and social care researchers and practitioners to integrate qualitative research into the evidence base of health and social care research. Qualitative research designs are diverse and each design has a different focus that will inform the approach undertaken and the results that are generated. The aim is to move beyond the “what” of qualitative research to the “how”, by (1) outlining key qualitative research designs for health and social care research – descriptive, phenomenology, action research, case study, ethnography, and grounded theory; (2) a decision tool of how to select the appropriate design based on a guiding prompting question, the research question and available resources, time and expertise; (3) an overview of mixed methods research and qualitative research in evaluation studies; (4) a practical guide to data collection and analysis; (5) providing examples of qualitative research to illustrate the scope and opportunities; and (6) tips on communicating qualitative research.

Cover design by Les Thomas

Neuroscience, Psychology and Conflict Management book cover

Neuroscience, Psychology and Conflict Management

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  12 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Judith Rafferty

Subject(s): Physiological and neuro-psychology, biopsychology, Psychology, Neurosciences

Institution(s): James Cook University

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 29/11/2024

This peer reviewed eBook introduces readers to foundational concepts in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, personality psychology and social psychology to help explain why conflict occurs, how it develops and how it may be managed and/or resolved.

For Educators Feedback
Exploring Sociology in the Antipodes: Introduction to Sociology – 1st Australian Edition book cover

Exploring Sociology in the Antipodes: Introduction to Sociology – 1st Australian Edition

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Australia)

Author(s): Theresa Petray and Nick Osbaldiston

Subject(s): Sociology

Institution(s): James Cook University

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 29/11/2024

Designed to be relevant to a range of introductory sociology classes, this eBook weaves together ‘the canon’ of sociology with contemporary content, and material specifically relevant to learners in Australia and New Zealand. This gives students the necessary foundations to understand how sociology has emerged and developed in different contexts over time. The eBook ensures that readers are aware that this canon is the product of a number of factors and does not represent the limits of what sociology was and can be. Through an approach that recognises both the European classics and those not talked about enough, which includes sociology outside of the European and American scenes, the authors highlight classical and contemporary thinkers from a range of backgrounds.

This peer reviewed eBook includes interactive and multimedia resources to engage learners and demonstrate the dynamic, non-linear, and still-active nature of sociological theory. Even those sociological approaches which have long histories are still relevant and constantly adapting. This eBook includes up to date resources, such as statistics and other forms of data, to ensure the eBook is empirically grounded as well as theoretically developed.

For Educators Feedback
A Contemporary Approach to Research and Statistics in Psychology book cover

A Contemporary Approach to Research and Statistics in Psychology

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Australia)

Author(s): Klaire Somoray

Subject(s): Social research and statistics, Research methods: general, Psychology

Institution(s): James Cook University

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 29/11/2024

This book is designed as a short and introductory resource specifically aimed to help students grasp key concepts typically found in undergraduate psychology statistics subjects. It was initially developed for online and intensive programs, which are becoming increasingly popular in psychology education. The book utilises jamovi, a free and open-source statistical software. This peer reviewed book is completely free to download, use, and adapt and it is released using the CC BY-NC 4.0 licence.

For Educators Feedback
Diagnosis: a Medical Education Game book cover

Diagnosis: a Medical Education Game

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Australia)

Author(s): Eleonora Leopardi, Nara Jones

Editor(s): Ruth Cameron, Anthony O'Brien

Subject(s): Medicine and Nursing, Medical study, exam preparation and revision guides

Institution(s): University of Newcastle

Publisher: University of Newcastle

Last updated: 29/11/2024

Diagnosis: a Medical Education Game is an immersive serious game, where players navigate the hospital gathering crucial clinical information to successfully diagnose and hand over a patient. Diagnosis eases the transition from campus-based to placement-based learning, introducing productive failure opportunities in a low-stakes setting. Diagnosis also highlights the importance of managing resources and prioritising differentials, offering opportunities to reflect on multiple elements of the clinical reasoning process, supporting the development of adaptive expertise.

As you progress, you will interview and examine your patient, order tests and imaging scans. Use your judgement wisely, or you will run out of money before reaching a diagnosis. If you miss something, your patient’s condition may deteriorate, so be as thorough as you can! Collaborate with teammates, and challenge your knowledge on your way to solving medical mysteries. But beware of the ‘Spooky Consultant’ lurking around the corners, adding an extra layer of suspense and thrill. Bring out your inner doctor, hone your diagnostic skills, and experience the pulse-pounding excitement of healthcare education like never before!

A Guide to Writing in Law School book cover

A Guide to Writing in Law School

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  1 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Steven Tudor, Stephanie Falconer

Subject(s): Law, Writing and editing guides

Institution(s): La Trobe University

Publisher: La Trobe eBureau

Last updated: 12/11/2024

A Guide to Writing in Law School is intended to help law students to develop their writing skills. Writing clearly and effectively is a vital legal skill. Lawyers use this skill daily. Law graduates need, therefore, to have a solid competency in clear and effective writing. This book aims to help students improve their writing by presenting various pieces of advice, tips, warnings and encouragement. It contains general chapters on planning, clear writing, and acknowledging your sources, as well as dedicated chapters on some of the specific writing tasks that law students undertake: case briefs, legal problem-solving, essays, and law reform submissions. With effort and practice, virtually everyone can improve their writing. A Guide to Writing in Law School is not only for students having particular difficulties. Those who already write well will find ideas here that will help them become even better writers.

Español down under: Spanish for Australia and New Zealand book cover

Español down under: Spanish for Australia and New Zealand

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  4 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Ramon Lopez Castellano, Israel Holas, Fanny Rios Rodriguez

Subject(s): Language acquisition, Language teaching and learning, Spanish, Language learning: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation

Institution(s): Deakin University

Publisher: Deakin University

Last updated: 05/11/2024

This book focuses on a hands-on, student-centric approach to learning Spanish. Designed for the Australian and New Zealand environment for use at Deakin University, currently available is foundation level content, suitable for a first introduction to Spanish speaking. The resource is still in development with additional content progressing to more advanced skill levels currently under development.
Digital Evidence Manual book cover

Digital Evidence Manual

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Graeme Edwards

Subject(s): Crime and criminology, Digital and information technologies: social and ethical aspects, Smart home technology and virtual assistants: consumer / user guides

Institution(s): Bond University

Publisher: Bond University

Last updated: 24/10/2024

It is unlikely a connected person can conduct many activities in their day without technology accumulating and storing data created by their activities and online interactions with other people. Technology is a driving feature of many individuals’ lives, but few users understand what is happening behind its functional level. Large amounts of personal data are being generated from the multitude of technological devices we interact with each day that are stored by manufacturers and service providers and used for profiling and sale. Once this data is generated and stored, evidence of activity remains on the devices and/or corporate servers where it can be used to build a profile on an individual including their personality which becomes more accurate as more data is accumulated.

Where people forget what they have done, technology never does.

Value-based Healthcare book cover

Value-based Healthcare

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  5 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Hanan Khalil

Editor(s): Hanan Khalil

Subject(s): Medical administration and management

Institution(s): La Trobe University

Publisher: La Trobe eBureau

Last updated: 22/10/2024

This open textbook presents a contemporary overview of Value-based Healthcare: a healthcare delivery and reimbursement model that focuses on achieving the best possible health outcomes for patients while controlling costs. It represents a shift of focus from quantity to quality, and aims to align incentives to bring together the interests of patients, healthcare providers, and payers.

The resource covers core content in the following topics: an introduction to value based healthcare, funding models, leadership and governance, models of care, shared decision making models, case studies, global perspectives, resources management and cost control.

This text is for Masters-level courses in health administration, public health, nursing, or health information. It will also be useful more broadly for anyone studying health or working in the health sector including clinicians, managers, and policy makers.