
Semana 5 – El hogar

Learning Objectives

This week we are going to learn:

  • Home vocabulary: rooms and furniture
  • Prepositions of place
  • Comparative and superlative

Vocabulario: el hogar (home)

This week we’re going more in-depth with el hogar; we’re talking about the different rooms or spaces in a house.





Cuarto de baño





Living Room

living Room

Dining Room



We’re also going to learn the furnishings of a home, according to the relevant room.

El salón:

El sofa

The couch

La lámpara

The lamp

La alfombra

The rug

El sillón


La estanteria

The bookshelf

La mesita

The coffee table

El cuadro

The picture

La chimenea

The fireplace

La escalera

The staircase

La cocina:

El frigorífico o el refrigerador

The fridge

El fregadero

The sink

La sartén

The pan

La cafetera

Coffee machine

La hornilla

The stovetop

El horno

The oven

La despensa

The pantry

La alacena

The cupboard

El baño:

El espejo

The mirror

El inodoro

The toilet

El lavabo

The sink

La bañera

The tub

La ducha

The shower

La toalla:

The towel

La alfombrilla

The rug

El dormitorio:

La cama

The bed

La almohada

The pillow

El armario

The closet

La mesita de noche

Bedside table

La cómoda

The dresser

El tocador

The dresser

Adjetivos para comparar decoración y arte:










Brilliant, shining, glowing


Capricious, whimsical

Claro/a, clear







Curious, odd, weird


Strange, foreign














Unique, sole, only

Let’s have a look at some examples using some of the vocabulary from above.


a. Luisa está durmiendo en su cama, ¿dónde crees que está?

b. En su dormitorio porque normalmente la cama está en el dormitorio.

a. Mamá está esperando en el coche porque es muy impaciente, ¿dónde crees que está?

b. En la cochera, porque es el lugar donde está aparcado el coche.

a. La abuela, que es muy fiestera, está preparándose un Bloody Mary, ¿dónde crees que está?

b. En la cocina porque es el lugar donde preparamos la comida y las bebidas.

a. Olga está buscando mi libro en la estantería, ¿dónde puede estar?”

b. En el salón, aunque puede estar en el despacho también.

a. Israel está limpiando el inodoro, ¿dónde crees que está?

b. En el baño.


Preposiciones de lugar

We use prepositions of place to express where things are located relative to other things or people. This will make more sense if we look at some:

Al lado de

Next to

Delante de/en frente de

In front of/opposite

Detrás de


Dentro de


Fuera de


Encima de

On top of

Debajo de



Upstairs; up


Downstairs; down





Don’t forget to use the definite articles (el, la, los, las) with the nouns:



El gato está dentro de la caja                                             The cat is inside the box


As with many things in Spanish, learning these takes practice. Remember to use these prepositions with the verb estar.


Comparative sentences are used to compare two or more things, people, or concepts. These sentences normally use comparative adjectives or adverbs to indicate the degree of difference between the items being compared.

In Spanish, there are two overall types of comparisons we can make:

  • comparisons of equality (we are just as tall as each other)
  • comparisons of inequality (I am taller than you)

Within these two types of comparisons, we can compare the following things:

  • actions -doing words/verbs (I study more than you do)
  • qualities – descriptive words/adjectives (I am just as tall as you are)
  • things/nouns – (I have more sheep than you)

There are specific rules and formulas or constructions to use for each of these comparisons. To understand the sentence structure of these sentences, we will use some formulas, like maths, but not quite.

Let’s start with the comparisons of equality and compare some qualities using either adjectives or adverbs.

Here we need to compare using the formula:

tan + adjective/adverb + como this expresses the idea _____

is just as + adjective + as

   Fórmula fija: nombre/s + es/son + tan + adjetivo + como + nombre



El gato es tan azul como la gata​                                               The male cat is just as blue as the female cat

La gata es tan hermosa como el gato​                                      The female cat is just as beautiful as the male cat

La gata es tan grande como el gato                                         The female cat is just as big as the male cat


Let’s continue with our comparisons of equality but move on to how to compare quantities with nouns.

Here we need to compare using the formula:

tanto/tanta/tantos/tantas + nombre + como​


This expresses the idea just as many/much + quantity + as

¡OJO! the expression tanto/os/a/as/ here must agree in gender and number with what is being compared!


El gato come tanto atún como la gata​                                   The male cat eats just as much tuna as the female cat

El gato come tanta pizza como la gata​                                  The male cat eats just as much pizza as the female cat

La gata tiene tantos ratones como el gato​                           The female cat has just as many rats as the male cat

La gata tiene tantas hamburguesas como el gato               The female cat has just as many burgers as the male cat


To conclude the comparisons of equality, let’s move on to how to compare actions with verbs.

Here we need to compare using the formula:

Verbo + tanto como

this expresses the idea “x does this action just as much as y


El gato come tanto como la gata​                                         The male cat eats as much as the female cat

El gato camina tanto como la gata​                                     The male cat walks as much as the female cat

La gata se lava el pelo tanto como el gato​                        The male washes his hair as much as the female cat

La gata duerme tanto como el gato                                    The female cat sleeps as much as the male cate

Let’s move on to the comparisons of inequality. These follow a similar set of options. The math doesn´t stop there, but you are getting familiar with the formulas now, right?

Let’s start with comparisons of inequality using adjectives to compare qualities.

Here we need to compare using the formula:

Más/menos + que + adjective

This expresses the idea that “x has more/less of this adjective/trait than y


El gato es más gordo que la gata​                                         The male cat is fatter than the female cat

La gata es menos gorda que el gato​                                    The female cat is less fat than the male cat

La gata es más grande que el gato​                                       The female cat is taller than the male cat

El gato es menos elegante que la gata                                 The male cat is less elegant than the female cat


Note: there are a few ideas that should be expressed differently. They don’t sound right if you use the above structure: these are older than, younger than, better than and worse than.

  • más grande/viejo que:“mayor que” 
  • menos grande/viejo que: “menor que”
  • más bueno que: “mejor que”
  • menos bueno que: “peor que”


 La gata es mayor que el gato                    sounds better than             la gata es más vieja que el gato


Let’s continue with comparisons of inequality using nouns to compare quantities.

Here, we need to compare using the formula:

Más/menos + noun + que +

This expresses the idea that “x has more/less of this noun than y


El gato come más atún que la gata​                                     The male cat eats more tuna than the female cat

La gata tiene menos comida que el gato​                           The female cat has less food than the male cat

El gato tiene más hambre que la gata​                                The male cat has more hunger than the female cat

La gata tiene menos hambre que el gato                          The female cat is less hungry than the male cat


Let’s finish off our comparisons of inequality using verbs to compare activities.

Here we need to compare using the formula:

Verb + más/menos + que


This expresses the idea that “x does more/less of this verb/activity than y


El gato come más que la gata​                                                     The male cat eats more than the female cat

La gata come menos que el gato​                                                The female cat eats less than the male cat

El gato duerme más que la gata​                                                  The male cat sleeps more than the female cat

La gata ronronea menos que el gato                                           The female cat purrs less than the male cat


Finally, just a word on superlatives.

The superlatives are very similar to our comparisons above, but they are used to express an extreme idea about qualities or traits. They take the comparison to the highest degree. You use this to express things like: Jimi Hendrix is the best guitarist in the world.

Fórmula: el/la/los/las (nombre) + más/menos + adjetivo + de + artículo + lugar 


Flora es la gata más grande del mundo​                                         Flora is the largest cat in the world!

Purro es el gato más negro de la casa ​                                          Purro is the blackest cat in the house

Flora es la gata más presumida del barrio​                                    Flora is the smuggest cat in the neighbourhood

Purro es el gato más pequeño del vecindario                             Purro is the smallest cat in the neighbourhood


 Was this week a little easier than last week’s?  If you think you need to review some adjectives to be able to describe them, this is time to check your vocabulary lists. 

¡Hasta pronto!