
8.5 Open-Ended Questions with あります (ari masu) and います (i masu)

This module focuses on the use of open-ended questions with question markers in the ありますか and いますか sentence patterns, enhancing your conversational skills.

So far, we have explored how to use the patterns ‘X があります’ (X ga ari masu) and ‘X がいます’ (X ga i masu) to express and inquire about the existence of both living and non-living objects. With this foundation, we can now delve into how to apply these sentence patterns in open-ended questions. Here are the question markers that you can effectively use:

1. 何(なに)が (nani ga): What

2. どこに (doko ni): Where

3. いつ (itsu): When

4. 誰(だれ)が (dare ga): Who

1. 何: What

To form an open-ended question using ‘X があります’ and ‘X がいます’ with the question marker , you replace the ‘X’ with 何 and add the question particle か at the end.



Kyouto ni X ga ari masu.

There are X in Kyoto.

Q: 京都にがあります

Kyouto ni nani ga ari masu ka.

What’s in Kyoto? [Literally, ‘What are there in Kyoto?’]

A: お寺(てら)があります。

 Otera ga ari masu.

There are temples.

NOTE: When answering, there is no need to repeat the location, 京都に.


2. どこ: Where

Similar to using the question marker 何, to form an open-ended question with ‘X に Y があります’ and ‘X に Y がいます’ using the question marker どこ, you replace the ‘X’ with どこ and add the question particle か at the end.



X ni sensei ga i masu.

There is a teacher in X.

Q: どこに先生がいます

Doko ni sensei ga i masu ka.

Where is a teacher?

A: *クラスの中にいます。

Kurasu no naka ni i masu.

There is a teacher in the class / The teacher is in the class.

NOTE: When answering, there is no need to repeat the subject ’先生が’.


3. いつ: When

To form an open-ended question with ‘X に Y が あります’ and ‘X に Y がいます’ using the question word いつ, replace X に with いつ and add the question particle か at the end. As explained in Module 7.5, いつ does not take any particles, so the particle に should be omitted.



X ni Nihongo no kurasu ga ari masu.

The Japanese language class is on X.

Q: いつ日本語のクラスがあります

Itsu Nihongo no kurasu ga ari masu.

When is the Japanese language class?

A: 水曜日にあります。

Sui-youbi ni ari masu.

It’s on Wednesday(s).

NOTE: While the question marker いつ does not take particles, when answering with specific time references like days of the week, you should place the particle に immediately after the time reference word.


4. 誰: Who

To form an open-ended question using the question marker 誰 with ‘X がいます’, you replace X with 誰 and add the question particle か at the end.



Toshokan ni X ga i masu.

There are X at the library.

Q: 図書館にがいます

Toshokan ni dare ga i masu ka.

Who is at the library?

A: 学生(がくせい)がいます。

Gakusei ga i masu.

There are students at the library.

NOTE: 誰 is used specifically for people.


Exercise 1



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