6.8 Review
In this chapter, we delved into the ます form verb structure and other critical Japanese grammatical elements that boost your conversational fluency. Highlights of your progress include:
Understanding です vs. ます
Mastering verb conjugation
You have grasped the fundamental principles of Japanese verb conjugation, a pivotal aspect that adds depth and variety to your expressions.
Implementing the T+O+V sentence pattern
You have learned to apply the Topic + Object + Verb (T+O+V) sentence pattern using verbs in the ます form with time reference words and frequency words, empowering you to craft more complex and precise sentences.
These grammar points not only broaden your understanding of the language but also enable you to engage in more nuanced and sophisticated conversations in Japanese. Keep up the fantastic progress!
Let’s proceed with the review exercise to reinforce your grasp of the chapter’s content.
Exercise 1
1 “Tick Icon” by Mrmw. Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC 1.0.
2 “Using a TV Remote Control” with no author. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
3 “Having a Meal” with no author. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
4 “Drinking Tea” with no author. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
5 “Reading a Book” with no author. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
6 “Meeting Friends” with no author. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
7 “Using a Computer” with no author. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.