
6.6 The Particles に (ni) and へ (e) to Indicate Destinations

This module helps you learn the nuances of the Japanese particles に (ni) and へ (e), both of which are instrumental in indicating destinations or directions.

Using the particles に and へ to indicate destinations

The particles に and へ both indicate the destination or direction towards which someone or something is moving. Note that although the hiragana character へ is usually pronounced ‘he’, when it is used as a particle, it is pronounced ‘e’.

に vs. へ

The particles and both indicate movement towards a place and can be used interchangeably in most cases without causing miscommunication. However, they convey subtle differences in nuance.

に: Specific point or goal of destination 

emphasises reaching a specific destination or being at a location. It is commonly used in both spoken and written language.



Gakkou ni ikimasu.

I will go to school.

へ: General direction  

(pronounced e) highlights movement towards a general direction rather than the final arrival. It has a slightly more formal tone and is more frequently used in written contexts.



Gakkou e ikimasu.

I will go to (or am heading towards) school.


Key points

  • focuses on the destination (where you end up).
  • focuses on the direction (where you are going).
  • They can be used interchangeably, but is more common in everyday speech, while appears more often in writing.


Usage in sentences

With this foundation, let’s explore practical examples to master the use of these particles in constructing sentences.

The particles に and へ indicating direction or destination are often accompanied with the following verbs:

行(い)く (iku: to go)

来(く)る (kuru: to come)

帰(かえ)る (kaeru: to return, to go home)


These verbs describe movement between places and pair up with either に or へ to show the destination where someone or something is going, coming or returning.

Here are some example sentences:


Kyou gakkou ni iki masu

I will go to school today.



Ashita Nihongo no kurasu ni ki masu.

I will come to the Japanese class tomorrow.



Mainichi ie ni kaerimasu.

I go (back) home everyday.

Exercise 1




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