6.6 The Particles に (ni) and へ (e) to Indicate Destinations
This module helps you learn the nuances of the Japanese particles に (ni) and へ (e), both of which are instrumental in indicating destinations or directions.
Using the particles に and へ to indicate destinations
The particles に and へ both indicate the destination or direction towards which someone or something is moving. Note that although the hiragana character へ is usually pronounced ‘he’, when it is used as a particle, it is pronounced ‘e’.
に vs. へ
The particles に and へ both indicate movement towards a place and can be used interchangeably in most cases without causing miscommunication. However, they convey subtle differences in nuance.
に: Specific point or goal of destination
に emphasises reaching a specific destination or being at a location. It is commonly used in both spoken and written language.
Gakkou ni ikimasu.
I will go to school.
へ: General direction
へ (pronounced e) highlights movement towards a general direction rather than the final arrival. It has a slightly more formal tone and is more frequently used in written contexts.
Gakkou e ikimasu.
I will go to (or am heading towards) school.
Key points
- に focuses on the destination (where you end up).
- へ focuses on the direction (where you are going).
- They can be used interchangeably, but に is more common in everyday speech, while へ appears more often in writing.
Usage in sentences
With this foundation, let’s explore practical examples to master the use of these particles in constructing sentences.
The particles に and へ indicating direction or destination are often accompanied with the following verbs:
行(い)く (iku: to go)
来(く)る (kuru: to come)
帰(かえ)る (kaeru: to return, to go home)
These verbs describe movement between places and pair up with either に or へ to show the destination where someone or something is going, coming or returning.
Here are some example sentences:
Kyou gakkou ni iki masu.
I will go to school today.
Ashita Nihongo no kurasu ni ki masu.
I will come to the Japanese class tomorrow.
Mainichi ie ni kaerimasu.
I go (back) home everyday.
Exercise 1