4.4 How to Count Small Items
In this module, you will learn the essential technique of counting small objects in Japanese using the versatile counter つ (tsu).
Here is a summary of how to count up to 10 small items using the counter つ:
1 | 一(ひと)つ (hitotsu) | 6 | 六(むっ)つ (muttsu) |
2 | 二(ふた)つ (futatsu) | 7 | 七(なな)つ (nanatsu) |
3 | 三(みっ)つ (mittsu) | 8 | 八(やっ)つ (yattsu) |
4 | 四(よっ)つ (yottsu) | 9 | 九(ここの)つ (kokonotsu) |
5 | 五(いつ)つ (itsutsu) | 10 | 十(とお) (too) |
Please note that the number 10 in Japanese has a special term, 十 (とお: too), and thus does not use the つ counter.
Now, let’s learn how to use the counter to count small items up to 10 while enjoying this song created by Myu Papa.
Key Points
- The つ counter is generally limited to numbers one through ten.
- The こ counter is more commonly used for small, round or compact objects and can be used for numbers beyond ten.
Using the つ and こ counters with nouns in sentences
In Japanese, when using counters with nouns, the particle を is often used when the noun is the direct object of the verb, such as when ordering, buying or making something.
Using the つ Counter
The つ counter is used to count small, general items up to ten. When using it with a noun, the structure is:
[Noun] を [Number + つ] [Verb]
Koohii o futatsu kudasai.
Two (cups of) coffee, please.
Using the こ Counter
The こ counter is commonly used for small, round, or compact objects and is especially useful when counting beyond ten. The sentence structure remains the same:
[Noun] を [Number + 個] [Verb]
Keeki o juuikko onegai shimasu.
Eleven cakes, please.
Key Points
- The noun comes first, followed by the number + counter.
- The particle を is used when the noun is the object of the sentence (e.g., ordering or buying something).
Exercise 1
1 “Exclamation Sign Font Awesome” by Dave Gandy. Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC by SA 3.0.
2 “Apple” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
3 “Strawberries” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
4 “Tomatoes” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
5 “Starwars Lego” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
6 “Number Five Written on the Road” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
7 “Six Marbles” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
8 “Number Seven” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
9 “Number Eight on the Door” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
10 “Number Nine” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
11 “Ten Fingers” (untitled). Uncredited. PxHere. Licensed under CC 0.
Myu Papa. “いちにさんのうた (Myu Sings ‘123 Song’).” YouTube video. 1:53. October 5, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgvUPbPSY2g.