
4.0 Bringing Japan Home (1)

Tokyo Sky Tree
Figure 1: Tokyo Skytree Tower

‘Bringing Japan Home’ invites you on an exciting journey to immerse yourself in Japanese culture locally.

This chapter offers practical tips for engaging with your local Japanese community, including engaging in conversations with Japanese speakers and connecting with fellow language enthusiasts. By embracing these cultural opportunities, you will create a sense of ‘home’ and foster cross-cultural understanding, all while cultivating a deeper appreciation for Japanese language and culture.

embark on this adventure of bringing Japan home, right in your own community!


Goal IconLearning goals

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Understand how katakana functions in sentences.
  • Write or type your name in katakana.
  • Use demonstrative pronouns for unnamed objects.
  • Ask what something is using ‘X は Y です’ with 何 (なん).
  • Count small items accurately.
  • Distinguish between それから (and then) and と (and) in sentences.
  • Use sentence-ending particles ね and よ appropriately.
  • Understand how katakana functions in sentences.

Lightbulb Icon Why these skills matter

Cognitive benefits:

  • Improves pattern recognition by linking katakana to vocabulary.
  • Develops precision in using demonstratives and question structures.
  • Enhances logical thinking through conjunction and particle use.

Real-life benefits:

  • Read and write katakana correctly, including your name.
  • Refer to objects smoothly in conversations.
  • Ask questions and count items confidently.
  • Use natural-sounding transitions and sentence endings.


Japanese Romaji English Notes
カフェ(かふぇ) kafe café The word ‘café’ is generally written in katakana as カフェ, as is the case for other imported concepts such as ‘menu’, ‘crêpe’ and ‘dollar’. The hiragana かふぇis only provided for reference.
メニュー (めにゅう) menyuu menu
お茶(ちゃ) ocha tea The word お茶 can be used as a general term for tea, but it usually used to refer specifically to Japanese green tea.
ほうじ茶 houjicha hojicha (roasted green) tea ほうじ茶 is a type of roasted green tea with a unique, smoky aroma and a mild, slightly sweet flavour. Unlike traditional green teas, hojicha is roasted over high heat, which gives it its distinctive brown color and toasty taste.
ラテ(らて) rate latte
コーヒー(こおひい) koohii coffee
ケーキ(けえき) keeki cake
プリン(ぷりん) purin crème caramel プリン is a Japanese-style crème caramel or custard pudding, typically served with a caramel sauce. It has a smooth, creamy texture and is a popular dessert in Japan.
クレープ(くれえぷ) kureepu
まっ茶 matcha matcha まっ茶 is a finely ground powder made from specially grown green tea leaves. Known for its vibrant green colour and slightly bitter taste, it is often used in traditional tea ceremonies and various sweets.
オレンジジュース(おれんじじゅうす) orenji juusu orange juice
ごま goma sesame
あんこ anko
sweet red bean paste あんこ is a sweet paste made from red beans (azuki beans) and sugar. It’s widely used as a filling in Japanese desserts, including mochi, どらやき (dorayaki) and たいやき (taiyaki), adding a unique sweetness and texture to traditional treats.
ドル(どる) doru
おすすめ osusume
テレビ(てれび) terebi TV
リモコン(りもこん) rimokon remote (control) リモコン is the Japanese term for a remote control, typically used for operating electronic devices such as TVs, air conditioners and audio equipment. It’s an abbreviation of ‘remote control’.
ウェブサイト(うぇぶさいと) webusaito website
学校(がっこう) gakkou school 学校 is the general term for ‘school’ in Japanese, covering all educational institutions, including primary and secondary schools. However, it does not specifically refer to a university.
家(いえ or うち) ie/uchi house/home Both ie and uchi can mean ‘house’ or “home” in Japanese, but they have slightly different nuances: いえ (ie) refers to the physical structure of a ‘house’ and is used more formally. It’s often used when speaking objectively about a residence. うち (uchi) has a more personal and emotional nuance, commonly used to mean ‘home’ or ‘my place’. It implies a sense of belonging or familiarity and is often used informally to refer to one’s own home.
Demonstrative pronouns  
これ kore this (one)
それ sore that (one)
あれ are that (one) over there
どれ dore which (one)
oishii delicious
あまい amai sweet The word あまい is commonly used to describe food with a sweet taste. However, it also carries a figurative meaning, describing someone as overly indulgent or lenient. For example, to say ‘The teacher is indulgent towards their students’, you would use the phrase 先生(せんせい)は学生(がくせい)にあまいです (Sensei wa gakusei ni amai desu). Here, あまい conveys the idea of being too soft or forgiving.
Numbers (used to count small objects)
 hitotsu one (thing) Please refer to Module 4.4 for more details.
二(ふた)つ  futatsu two (things)
三(みっ)つ  mittsu three (things)
四(よっ)つ  yottsu four (things)
五(いつ)つ  itsutsu five (things)
六(むっ)つ  muttsu six (things)
七(なな)つ  nanatsu seven (things)
八(やっ)つ  yattsu eight (things)
九(ここの)つ  kokonotsu nine (things)
十(とお)  too ten (things)

Expressions and phrases 

Japanese Romaji English Notes
日本語(にほんご)で Nihongo de in Japanese Please refer to the ‘Key grammar points’ section below for an explanation of the particle で (de).
大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です Daijoubu desu It’s okay Polite/formal
Xをどうぞ X o douzo Please (have/take/do) X
The expression をどうぞ is used when offering something to someone or inviting them to do something. The ‘X’ in this phrase is replaced by whatever you are offering or suggesting.The particle を (o) is the object marker in Japanese, used after the noun that serves as the object of a sentence. Nouns should be positioned where the ‘X’ is indicated. For more details on the particle を, please refer to

Module 2.5.

Xをください X o kudasai
X, please While the expression をください is more direct and commonly used for simple requests, the expression をお願いします is more formal and polite, suitable for a broader range of requests, including favours or actions. For more information, please see Module 2.5.
X をお願(ねが)いします  X o onegai shimasu
X, please
そうです Sou desu That’s right Polite/formal
わかりました Wakarimashita
All right/Certainly/I see Polite/formal

Key grammar points

Japanese Romaji English Notes
X は 何(なん)ですか X wa nan desu ka What is X? Nouns should be placed in the position marked by X.
それから sorekara
and then Conjunction
by means of … The particle で is used to indicate the means or method by which an action is performed. When used with a language, it specifies the language employed for writing, speaking or communication. For example, to say ‘in Japanese’, you would use 日本語(にほんご)で (Nihongo de). This indicates that the action, such as writing or speaking, is done using the Japanese language.
and Particle
…, isn’t it? Particle
I’m telling you/you know Particle


Exercise 1

Guess which hiragana or katakana character needs to be filled in. To listen to the pronunciation of each word, click the audio icon. To check the answer, click the ‘turn’ button.

Speech Bubble Icon Model dialogue

Lina and Nao find themselves at a local Japanese café in Australia, excited to put their Japanese language skills into practice. They know that the café has Japanese-speaking staff, so they decide to challenge themselves by ordering their food in Japanese.

Café staff: Hi, guys! Hi guys!
Lina: あ、日本語(にほんご)で大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です。 A, Nihongo de daijoubu desu.
Staff: そうですか。じゃあ、日本語で。メニュー(めにゅう)をどうぞ。 Sou desu ka . Jaa, Nihongo de!
Lina: ありがとうございます。あ、これはまっ茶(ちゃ)ケーキ(けえき)ですか。 Arigatou gozaimasu. A, kore wa matcha keeki desu ka.
Staff: はい、そうです。おいしいですよ。 Hai, soudesu. Oishii desu yo.
Lina: じゃあ、まっ茶ケーキをお願(ねが)します。それから、ほうじ茶ラテ(らて)もお願いします。なおさんは? Jaa, matcha keeki o onegai shimasu. Sorekara, houjicha rate mo onegai shimasu. Nao-san wa?
Nao: ええと…。 Eeto…
Staff: ごまプリン(ぷりん)もおいしいですよ。 Goma purin mo oishii desu yo.
Lina: ごまプリン?どれですか。 Goma purin? Dore desu ka.
Staff: あ、これです。九(きゅう)ドル(どる)です。 A, kore desu. Kyuu doru desu.
Nao: そうですか。これは何(なん)ですか。
Soudesuka. Kore wa nan desu ka.
Staff: それですか。それはあんこのクレープ(くれえぷ)です。 Sore desu ka. Sore wa anko no kureepu desu.
Nao: 「あんこ」は何ですか。 Anko wa nan desu ka.
Staff: あんこはred bean pasteです。あまいですよ。おすすめです。
Anko wa reddo biin peesuto desu. Amai desu yo. Osusume desu.
Nao: じゃあ、あんこのクレープを*ひとつお願いします。それから、私(わたし)もほうじ茶ラテをください。

*Since the kanji 一つ can be mistaken for the katakana long vowel mark ‘ー’ in certain fonts, it’s written in hiragana here to avoid confusion.

Jaa, anko no kureepu o hitotsu onegai shimasu. Sorekara, watashi mo houji-cha rate o kudasai.
Staff: はい、わかりました。まっちゃケーキを*ひとつと、あんこのクレープをひとつと、ほうじ茶ラテを二(ふた)つですね。 Hai, wakari mashita. Matcha keeki o hitotsu to, anko no kureepu o hitotsu to, houjicha rate o futatsu desu ne.
Lina and Nao: はい、そうです。ありがとうございます!
Hai, soudesu. Arigatou gozaimasu!


English translation

Staff: Hi guys!
Lina: Oh, Japanese is fine!
Staff: Okay, then in Japanese. Here’s a menu.
Lina: Thank you. Oh, is this a matcha cake?
Staff: Yes, that’s right. It’s delicious!
Lina: Well then, I’ll have the matcha cake, please. And also, a hojicha latte, please. How about you, Nao-san?
Nao: Well…
Staff: I would say sesame pudding is nice, too.
Lina: Sesame pudding? Which one is it?
Staff: Ah, this one is. It’s nine dollars.
Nao: Right. What is this one?
Staff: That one? That’s an anko crêpe.
Nao: What is ‘anko’?
Staff: It’s red bean paste. It’s sweet! I recommend it.
Nao: Then, I will have one anko crêpe. And also, I will have a hojicha latte, too.
Café staff: All right. One matcha cake, one anko crêpe and two hojicha lattes, is that right?
Lina and Nao: Yes. that’s right. Thank you!

Exercise 2

Listen to the following audio files and repeat each Japanese phrase after. Each phrase is read twice, first at a slow pace and then at a natural pace.


Lina: あ、日本語(にほんご)で大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です。

Staff: そうですか。じゃあ、日本語で。メニュー(めにゅう)をどうぞ。

Lina: ありがとうございます。あ、これはまっ茶(ちゃ)ケーキ(けえき)ですか。

Staff: はい、そうです。おいしいですよ。


Nao: ええと…。

Staff: ごまプリン(ぷりん)もおいしいですよ。

Lina: ごまプリン?どれですか。

Staff: あ、これです。九(きゅう) ドル(どる)です。

Nao: そうですか。これは何(なん)ですか。

Staff: それですか。それはあんこのクレープ(くれえぷ)です。

Nao: 「あんこ」は何ですか。

Staff: あんこはred bean pasteです。あまいですよ。おすすめです。

Nao: じゃあ、あんこのクレープをひとつお願いします。それから、わたしもほうじ茶ラテをください。

Staff: はい、わかりました。まっ茶ケーキをひとつと、あんこのクレープをひとつと、ほうじ茶ラテを二(ふた)つですね。

Lina and Nao: はい、そうです。ありがとうございます!

Lightbulb Icon Discussion points

Let’s reflect on these points and share our observations and thoughts!

  1. Have you ever tried speaking another language at a shop? What was your first experience like? How did it go?
  2. Imagine you’re working at a café in your hometown. A visitor with limited fluency tries to order in your local language. How would you feel? How might you respond?
  3. What challenges do both the speaker and the listener face in these situations? How can they communicate effectively?

Further resources

If you haven’t been to Japan yet and would like to know how ordering works at a restaurant, this resource created by Cakes with Faces will walk you through with some useful tips and expressions.

By the way, the producer of this video highlights an intriguing cultural aspect that may resonate with practices around the world. In Japan, pointing at people with one finger is viewed as impolite, much like in many other cultures. Instead, using the whole hand to point at objects or things is considered polite and professional in Japan:




1 “Tokyo Skytree Tower” (Low angle shot of the Tokyo Skytree) by Evgeny Tchebotarev. Pexels. Licensed under Pexels licence.

2 Goal IconGoal Icon” (untitled) by faisalovers. Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC by 3.0.

3 Speech Bubble IconSpeech Bubble Icon” (untitled) by Geremy Good. Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC 0.

4 Lightbulb IconLightbulb Icon” (untitled) by Maxim Kulikov. Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC by 3.0.



Cakes with Faces. “Ordering Food at Restaurants in Japan—JAPLANNING.” YouTube video, 11.03. September 20, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E33w7KgWVPw.



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