10.6 Review
In this chapter, you’ve achieved several key milestones in your Japanese language journey, ranging from mastering essential kanji to effectively using the te-form for various grammatical functions. Here’s a summary of your learning accomplishments:
Mastering kanji for school, daily concepts and actions
You’ve learned important kanji characters related to school, daily life, and actions, such as 大 (big), 学 (study/learn), 先 (previous), 生 (life), 女 (woman), 男 (man), 見 (see), 行 (go), 食 (eat) and 飲 (drink).
Te-form conjugation
You’ve gained proficiency in conjugating verbs into the te-form, a fundamental aspect of Japanese verb usage.
Making polite requests with the te-form + ください
You can now effectively use the te-form with ください (kudasai) to make polite requests in various contexts.
Asking for and giving permission with the te-form + もいいですか and もいいです(よ)
You’ve learned to ask for and grant permission using the te-form combined with もいいですか (mo ii desu ka) and もいいです(よ)(mo ii desu [yo]).
Describing sequences of actions with the te-form
You’ve developed the ability to describe sequences of actions by connecting verbs with the te-form, enhancing your sentence complexity and fluidity.
These skills – mastering kanji, using the te-form, making polite requests, asking and giving permission, and describing sequences of actions – will greatly enhance your Japanese conversations. With regular practice, they’ll soon become second nature.
To reinforce what you’ve learned, we’ve prepared a fun revision exercise. Whether you’re looking to practise more or simply test your knowledge, this exercise is designed for you. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to revisit the chapter. Enjoy your practice!
Exercise 1