7.7 Review
Introduction to kanji
You have begun to explore kanji characters, focusing on numbers (一 through 十) and time-related kanji (時 and 分), enhancing your ability to read and understand basic Japanese texts.
Asking and telling time
You have learned to ask and tell time using the newly introduced kanji, grasping how to articulate hours and minutes effectively.
Using the particle で
You have now mastered using the particle で (de) to indicate where actions take place and to describe the tools or means used to perform an action.
Forming and responding to open-ended questions
You have become more proficient in forming and responding to open-ended questions using the ます form, a vital skill for interactive and engaging conversations.
Forming more complex sentences with the conjunction から
You have understood how to use the conjunction から (kara) to explain reasons, linking thoughts and statements logically.
These skills not only deepen your understanding of Japanese but also empower you to participate more actively in conversations.
Let’s reinforce what you’ve learned with some practice exercises!
Exercise 1