7.1 Introduction to Kanji
Welcome to the captivating world of kanji!
As we step through this door, let’s explore the essence of kanji and discover its powerful role as a tool for communication.
At the end of the module, we will also learn 12 kanji characters: 一 (one), 二 (two), 三 (three), 四 (four), 五 (five), 六 (six), 七 (seven), 八 (eight), 九 (nine), 十 (ten), 分 (minute / divided portion) and 時 (hour/time). These are essential for telling and asking about time, which will be covered in the next module.
What is kanji?
Kanji are Japanese writing symbols that help readers quickly understand the core meaning of words. While Japanese also uses two simpler writing systems (hiragana and katakana), kanji serve an important purpose: they help to break up sentences and show which parts of a word carry its main meaning.
For example, in the sentence:
Watashi wa ie de yuushoku o tabe masu.
I eat dinner at home.
The kanji tell us the key information at a glance:
- 私 (わたし: watashi: I)
- 家 (いえ: ie: home)
- 夕食 (ゆうしょく: yuushoku: dinner)
- 食 (た[べます]: ta[bemasu]: eat)
The basic elements that connect words are particles (e.g. は, で, を) and verb endings (e.g. ます). They act like the glue of Japanese sentences, working together like road signs, guiding you through how the words in a sentence relate to each other.
Think of it like this: when you see English words in bold in a long text, they stand out and help you grasp the main points quickly. Kanji works similarly in Japanese. It helps readers:
- identify the important elements of a sentence more quickly.
- tell different words apart easily (especially when there are multiple words that sound the same).
- understand the meaning of new words by recognising familiar kanji or kanji parts.
While learning kanji takes time, each one you learn makes reading Japanese easier and faster. Many Japanese words share the same kanji parts with related meanings, so your understanding grows naturally as you learn more!
Mastering stroke order
Sun and Moon Channel. “Try to Understand 20% of Kanji in 2 Minutes.” YouTube video, 2:20. August 7, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdmR6B5EoII.
Max’s Japanese. “Kunyomi vs. Onyomi – Know the Difference! Reading Kanji.” YouTube video, 12:18. February 17, 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdmR6B5EoII.
ToKini Andy. “6 Rules for Writing Japanese Kanji Correctly.” YouTube video, 7:33. September 7, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybk5DK1M128.
Learn Kanji. “Learn Kanji: 分 – Minute, Divide, Separate, Understand, Maybe, Tie, etc (Japanese Grade 2 Level).” YouTube video, 2:39. May 18, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oxa_VDEUhI.
Learn Kanji. “Learn Kanji 時 – Time (時), Four O’clock (四時), One Hour (一時間): How to Write and Read Japanese Kanji.” YouTube video, 1:45. May 18, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kayvkZTBFN0.