1.3 さ (sa) – と (to)
In this module, we will focus on the hiragana characters さ (sa), し (shi), す (su), せ (se) and そ (so), along with た (ta), ち (chi), つ (tsu), て (te) and と (to).
1. さ (sa), し (shi), す (su), せ (se), そ (so)
Practice saying each character slowly at first, then increase the speed. After that, challenge yourself to pronounce all five characters smoothly in one go, as if in a single breath.
Here is an additional resource (about 4 minutes long) created by Tofugu, which shows you how to learn さ, し, す, せ and そ using mnemonics:
2. た (ta), ち (chi), つ (tsu), て (te), と (to)
Practice saying each character slowly at first, then increase the speed. After that, challenge yourself to pronounce all five characters smoothly in one go, as if in a single breath.
Note that ち is represented as chi in this textbook, following the Hepburn system of romanisation. But you might also see it represented as ti in some places, depending on the romaji system used.
Here is an additional resource (about 3 minutes long) created by Tofugu, which shows you how to learn た, ち, つ, て and と using mnemonics:
Tofugu. “Learn Hiragana Today #4: さしすせそ.” YouTube video, 3:46. August 12, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtvnJIFTVOs.
———. “Learn Hiragana Today #5: たちつてと.” YouTube video, 3:25. September 4, 2014. https://youtu.be/J9nwOeC-juk?si=BBEQ-gNHzjF0lGSD.