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54 results
Japanese Introductory 1 book cover

Japanese Introductory 1

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  119 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Iori Hamada

Subject(s): Language acquisition, Language teaching and learning, Language teaching and learning: second or additional languages, Language learning: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation

Institution(s): Monash University

Publisher: Monash University Library

Last updated: 20/02/2025

Japanese Introductory 1 is a comprehensive and engaging textbook for beginners eager to learn Japanese. Tailored to fit the needs of self-learners and students in academic settings alike, this book aligns with the semester timelines of universities in Australia and New Zealand. The book offers interactive exercises, cultural insights and a diverse perspective, including Indigenous voices from both Australia and Japan. It begins with familiar contexts, gradually exploring broader aspects of Japanese culture and language. Structured to resonate with learners from various backgrounds, it is a practical and engaging resource for those starting their journey into the Japanese language.
Business Finance book cover

Business Finance

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Australia)

Author(s): Sagarika Mishra (Deakin University), Hoa Nguyen

Editor(s): Angie Williamson

Subject(s): Corporate finance, Economics, Finance, Business and Management, Finance and the finance industry

Institution(s): Deakin University

Publisher: Deakin University

Last updated: 20/02/2025

Developed for an international cohort, this text is designed to explain business finance concepts in an easily understood manner without overwhelming students with too much content.
Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies book cover

Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies

CC BY (Attribution)  17 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Edited by Ash Barber, Dr Mais Fatayer, Rani McLennan, Alice Luetchford, Sarah McQuillen and Angie Williamson

Editor(s): Ash Barber, Dr Mais Fatayer, Rani McLennan, Alice Luetchford, Sarah McQuillen, Angie Williamson

Subject(s): Open learning, distance education, Education, Moral and social purpose of education, Educational strategies and policy, Educational strategies and policy: inclusion, Funding of education and student finance, Higher education, tertiary education

Publisher: Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL)

Last updated: 19/02/2025

Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies is a curated, peer-reviewed, openly-licensed anthology comprising scholarly contributions from esteemed professionals including librarians, researchers, learning and teaching teams, and engaged open education practitioners across Australia. Future editions will seek to extend this coverage to Aotearoa New Zealand, and the broader Asia-Pacific region.

The primary aim of this initiative is to illuminate the pivotal role of open educational practices (OEP) in the advancement of learning and teaching methodologies in the region. By showcasing diverse case studies, our goal is to foster greater awareness and appreciation for open practices, champion inclusivity and equity within educational spheres, and provide practical examples of open educational practices which can be adapted by readers for use in their own contexts.

Preparing Learners for Uncertainty in Health Professions book cover

Preparing Learners for Uncertainty in Health Professions

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  48 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Michelle D. Lazarus, Georgina C. Stephens

Editor(s): Michelle D. Lazarus, Georgina C. Stephens

Subject(s): Personal and public health / health education, Health psychology

Institution(s): Monash University

Publisher: Monash University Library

Last updated: 19/02/2025

This book serves to fill a critical gap in existing healthcare education resources, by raising healthcare professional and healthcare educators’ awareness of uncertainty tolerance. This handbook explores the impact health professions education (and educators) can have on the future healthcare workforce’s ability to manage uncertainty effectively, and provides practical approaches (including exemplar curricular templates) for supporting this essential workplace-ready, transferable attribute.
Introducing scoping and systematic reviews book cover

Introducing scoping and systematic reviews

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  20 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Erin Roga, Dr Karen Pruis

Subject(s): Library, archive and information management, Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects, Research methods: general

Institution(s): Federation University Australia

Publisher: Federation University Australia

Last updated: 17/02/2025

An easy to read introduction for students and researchers when undertaking scoping or systematic reviews. The book leads readers through the stages of conducting a review, such as planning, searching, screening, appraising, synthesising, reporting and publishing. Includes H5P activities and is based on current best practices of methodology and reporting.
A Yolŋu Philosophy Reader book cover

A Yolŋu Philosophy Reader

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Joanne Garŋgulkpuy, Raymattja Marika, James Wapiriny Gurruwiwi, Joy Bulkanhawuy, Elaine Ḻäwurrpa Maypilama, Timothy Buthimaŋ, Ian Mongunu Gumbula, Gawura Waṉambi

Editor(s): Gawura Waṉambi, Yasunori Hayashi, Michael Christie

Subject(s): Philosophical traditions and schools of thought

Institution(s): Charles Darwin University

Publisher: Charles Darwin University

Last updated: 17/02/2025

Over twenty-five years, senior Yolŋu knowledge authorities, elders, and researchers have been sharing traditional concepts in their collaborative work of teaching, research, and monitoring and evaluation in various Indigenous-led initiatives at Charles Darwin University – including through the Yolŋu Studies program and more recently the First Nations Sovereignty and Diplomacy Centre. Now for the first time a selection of the most important of these philosophical statements has been collected into a single volume and made available to students of Indigenous languages and cultures through Australia and New Zealand and the world. The volume will also be of particular interest to Government and Non Government organisations and policy developers.

Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry book cover

Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  8 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Julian Pakay, Hendrika Duivenvoorden, Thomas Shafee, Kaitlin Clarke

Subject(s): Biochemistry

Institution(s): La Trobe University, Monash University, Swinburne University of Technology

Publisher: La Trobe eBureau

Last updated: 12/02/2025

Biochemistry (and Molecular Biology) represent one of the fastest-growing fields of scientific research and technical innovation and the resulting biotechnology is increasingly applied to other fields of study. So, an understanding of Biochemistry is increasingly important for students in all biological disciplines. However, at the same time, the content is inherently complex, highly abstract, and often deeply rooted in the pure sciences – mathematics, chemistry, and physics. This makes it difficult to both learn and to teach.

This book is designed as a succinct and focused resource, specifically aimed to help students grasp key threshold concepts in Biochemistry. Due to their troublesome nature, understanding threshold concepts is a cognitively demanding task. By using a series of thematically linked case studies that accompany theory, the cognitive load will be reduced. This will free up students to focus on learning concepts rather than distracting them with unnecessary specifics.

A Teachers Guide to Outdoor Education Curriculum: Victorian Edition book cover

A Teachers Guide to Outdoor Education Curriculum: Victorian Edition

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Josh Ambrosy, Sandy Allen-Craig

Subject(s): Outdoor schools / education

Institution(s): Federation University Australia, Australian Catholic University

Publisher: Federation University

Last updated: 11/02/2025

Outdoor education is a unique and well-established field of study with significant local and international literature to support it. Over the last 40 years, outdoor education in various articulations, has become a staple of Victorian schooling. Despite the long-standing tradition in Victoria, of offering outdoor education programs and subjects that aligns to the curriculum, there is currently a lack of specific guidance material to help teachers. It serves as a handbook for pre-service teachers and those working in schools alike, to develop contemporary units of work and assessment tasks as part of their schools outdoor education curriculum.

Workplace Role Play Scenarios book cover

Workplace Role Play Scenarios

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Dr Sarah Steen

Subject(s): Business and Management, Business negotiation, Arbitration, mediation and alternative dispute resolution

Institution(s): Deakin University

Publisher: Deakin University

Last updated: 10/02/2025

This book has been designed to provide a range of workplace scenarios that can be utilised for experiential learning covering difficult conversations, negotiation and mediation. The scenarios provide learners with the opportunity to engage in different role-plays and provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their experience with reflective questions.
Answering Clinical Questions book cover

Answering Clinical Questions

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  33 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): The University of Western Australia

Editor(s): Terena Solomons, Catherine Kafentzis

Subject(s): Medical guidelines / Clinical guidelines, Primary care medicine, primary health care, General practice / Family medicine

Institution(s): University of Western Australia

Publisher: The University of Western Australia

Last updated: 04/02/2025

A guide to the UWA approach to answering clinical questions; an Evidence Based Practice approach. ACQ teaches Evidence Based Practice principles such as to individualise information for your patient’s situation, integrate the best available information with clinical expertise, patient values, and the health care environment, and to challenge dogma and avoid uncritical acceptance of ‘usual practice’. Developed to support students in the Doctor of Medicine degree.