
Chapter 5: Additional Resources

Law students outside Bond University’s Faculty of Law.© Bond University.

5.1 Articles

  1. Francina Cantatore and Kana Nakano, ‘An Overview of Australian Clinical Legal Education in Pandemic Times: Possible impacts on the Development of Graduate Employability Skills’ (2021) 9(1) Australian Journal of Clinical Education 53 <https://ajce.scholasticahq.com/article/36731>.
  2. Francina Cantatore ‘Pro Bono in law schools: Tracking the effect of pro bono service in an Australian university law clinic’, (2020) 27(1) International Journal of Clinical Legal Education 101 <https://www.northumbriajournals.co.uk/index.php/ijcle/article/view/878>.
  3. Francina Cantatore, ‘New frontiers in Clinical Legal Education: Harnessing technology to prepare students for practice and facilitate access to justice’ (2019) 5(1) Australian Journal of Clinical Education <https://ajce.scholasticahq.com/article/11191>.
  4. Francina Cantatore, ‘The impact of pro bono law clinics on employability and work-readiness in law students’ (2018) 25(1) International Journal of Clinical Legal Education 147 <https://www.northumbriajournals.co.uk/index.php/ijcle/article/view/696>.
  5. Francina Cantatore and Nickolas J James, ‘Heroism Science offers a new framework for cultivating civic virtue within clinical law programs’ (2017) 2(1) Australian Journal of Clinical Education <https://ajce.scholasticahq.com/article/5093>.
  6. Francina Cantatore, Linda Crane and Deborah Wilmoth, ‘Defining clinical education: Parallels in practice’ (2016) 1(2) Australian Journal of Clinical Education 2:1-8 <https://ajce.scholasticahq.com/article/5087>.
  7. Francina Cantatore and Ian Stevens ‘Making connections: Incorporating visual learning in law subjects through mind mapping and flowcharts’ (2016) 22 Canterbury Law Review 153 <https://www.austlii.edu.au/nz/journals/CanterLawRw/2016/9.pdf>.
  8. Francina Cantatore ‘Boosting law graduate employability: Using a pro bono teaching clinic to facilitate experiential learning in commercial law subjects’, (2015) 25(1) Legal Education Review 147 <https://ler.scholasticahq.com/article/6298>.
  9. Tammy Johnson and Francina Cantatore, ‘Equipping students for the real world: using a scaffolded experiential approach to teach the skill of legal drafting’(2013) 23(1) Legal Education Review 113 <https://ler.scholasticahq.com/article/6271>.

5.2 Other useful resources

Linden Thomas & Nick Johnson (Eds) The Clinical Legal Education Handbook, (University of London Press 2020)<https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/39720>.

Adrian Evans, et al, Australian Clinical Legal Education: Designing and operating a best practice clinical program in an Australian law school (ANU Press 2017) <https://press.anu.edu.au/publications/australian-clinical-legal-education#tabanchor>.


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The Law Clinic Experience: A Guidebook for Students Copyright © 2023 by Francina Cantatore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.