Book Title: The Law Clinic Experience: A Guidebook for Students

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Book Description: This book aims to equip law clinic students with useful knowledge, skills, tips and know-how to make the most of their law clinic experience and how to develop important employability skills for future success, whether in the legal profession or related pursuits. By sharing professional and industry insights such as best practices and research results on the positive effects of practice-based learning techniques demonstrated by law students, the book aims to inform and benefit law students at any point of their clinic journey, irrespective of the type of clinical experience they engage in.
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Book Description
This book is firstly and foremostly a resource for law students undertaking a clinical activity during their law degree. It has been widely acknowledged that law students entering the competitive work environment can benefit significantly from practical work experience during their undergraduate or post-graduate studies. Whether gained through clinical education, external work experience or pro bono programs, the effect is to increase self-confidence, practical experience and, consequently the employability of students. It has also been recognised that extra-curricular community engagement enhances graduate employability by combining experiential learning, course work and community service. This book promotes the idea that not only is clinical experience an invaluable asset for students to enhance learning and to prepare them for practice, but it often has the added benefit of developing a sense of social responsibility in students gained by undertaking pro bono work.
The Law Clinic Experience: A Guidebook for Students Copyright © 2023 by Francina Cantatore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.