Part 2 Lucy’s Story
2.4 Lucy case study 3: Mental illness diagnosis
Nicole Graham
Introduction to case study
Lucy has experienced the symptoms of mental illness during her lifespan; however, it was not until her early twenties that she was formally diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder. In the case study below, we explore the symptomology that Lucy experienced in the lead up to and post diagnosis. Lucy needs to consider her mental illness in relation to her work as a Registered Nurse and as she continues to move through the various stages of adulthood.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this case study, you should be able to:
- Identify and consider the symptoms of mental illness.
- Develop an understanding of contributing biopsychosocial stressors that may exacerbate the symptoms of mental illness as experienced by Lucy.
- Critically analyse the professional, ethical, and legal requirements and considerations for a registered health professional living with chronic illness.
Lucy’s small group of friends describe her as energetic and ‘a party person’. Although she sometimes disappears from her social group for periods of time, her friends are not aware that Lucy experiences periods of intense depression. At times Lucy cannot find the energy to get out of bed or even get dressed, sometimes for extended periods. As she gets older, these feelings and moods, as she describes them, get more intense. She loves feeling high on life. This is when she has an abundance of energy, is not worried about what people think of her and often does not need to sleep. These are the times when she feels she can achieve her goals. One of these times is when she decides to become a nurse. She excels at university, loves the intensity of study, practice and the party lifestyle. Emergency Nursing is her calling. The fast pace, the quick turnaround matches her endless energy. The fact that she struggles to stay focused for extended periods of time is something she needs to consider in her nursing career, to ensure it does not impact negatively on her care.
Unfortunately, Lucy has experienced challenges in her career. For example, her manager often comments on her mental illness after she had openly disclosed her diagnosis. It is challenging for her to hear her colleagues speak badly about a person who presents with mental illness. The stigma she hears directed at others challenges her. She is also very aware that it could be her presenting to the Emergency Department when she is unwell and in need of further support. Lucy is constantly worried that her colleagues will read her medical chart and think she is unsafe to practice.
While the symptoms that cause significant distress and disruption to her life began in her late teens, they intensified after she commenced antidepressant medication after the loss of her child. She subsequently ceased taking them due to side effects. These medications particularly impact on her ability to be creative and reduce her libido and energy. By the time she turns 18, she notices more frequent, intense mood swings, often accompanied by intense feelings of anxiety. During her high periods, Lucy enjoys the energy, the feeling of euphoria, the increased desire to exercise, her engagement with people, and being impulsive and creative. Lucas appreciates her increased libido. However, during these periods of high mood, Lucy also has impaired boundaries and is often flirtatious in her behaviour towards both friends and people she doesn’t know. She also increases her spending and has limited sleep. Lucas is often frustrated by this behaviour, leading to fights. On occasion Lucas slaps her and gets into fights with the people she is flirting with. These periods can last days and sometimes weeks, always followed by depressive episodes.
When she is in the low phases of her mood, Lucy experiences an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and emptiness. She is unable to find the energy to get out of bed, shower or take interest in simple daily activities. Lucas gets frustrated and dismisses Lucy’s statements of wanting to end her life as ‘attention seeking’. Lucy often expresses the desire to leave this world when she feels this way. When Lucas seeks support from the local general practitioner, nothing really gets resolved. The GP prescribes the medication; Lucy regains her desire to participate in life; then stops the medication due to side effects which extend to gastrointestinal upsets, on top of the decrease in libido and not feeling like herself. When Lucy is referred to a psychologist, she does not engage for more than one session, saying that she doesn’t like the person and feels they judge her lifestyle. When the psychologist attempts to explore a family history of mental illness, Lucy says no- one in her family has it and dismisses the concept.
The intense ups and downs are briefly interrupted with periods of lower intensity. During these times, Lucy feels worried about various aspects of her life and finds it challenging to let go of her anxious thoughts. There are times when Lucy has symptoms like racing heart, gastrointestinal update and shortness of breath. She spends a great deal of time wanting her life to be better. Her desire to move on from Lucas and to start a new life becomes more intense. Lucy is confident this is not a symptom of depression; it is just that she is unhappy in her relationship. Lucy starts to consider career options, feeling that not working affects her lifestyle, freedom and health. As she explores different options on the internet, Lucy comes across a chat room. Using the chat name ‘Foxy Lady 20’, she develops new friendships. She finds herself talking a lot with a man named Lincoln who lives on the Gold Coast.

After a brief but intense period talking with Lincoln online, Lucy abruptly decides to leave Lucas and her life in Bundaberg to move in with Lincoln. Lincoln, aged 26, 5 years older than Lucy, owns a modest home on the Gold Coast and has stable employment at the local casino. Their relationship progresses quickly and within a month Lincoln has proposed to Lucy. They plan to marry within 12 months.
Lucy is now happy with her life and feels stable. She decides to pursue a degree in nursing at the local university. Lucy enrols and makes many new friends, enjoying the intensity of study and a new social scene. Her fiancé Lincoln also enjoys the social aspects of their relationship. During university examination periods, Lucy experiences strong emotions. At the suggestion of an academic she respects, she makes an appointment with the university counselling service. After the first 3 appointments, Lucy self-discovers, with the support of her counsellor, that she might benefit from a specialist consultation with a psychiatrist. She comes to recognise that her symptoms are not within the normal range experienced by her peers. Lincoln is incredibly supportive and attends the appointments with Lucy, extending on the information she provides. Lucy reveals information about her grandmother, who was considered eccentric, and known for her periods of elevated mood and manic behaviour. The treating psychiatrist suggests Lucy may be living with bipolar affective disorder and encourages her to trial the medication lithium.
Lucy does not enjoy the side effects of decreased energy, nausea and feeling dazed and ceases taking the lithium during the university break period. This causes Lucy to again experience an intense elevation of her mood, accompanied by risk-taking behaviours. Lucy goes out frequently, nightclubbing and being flirtatious with her friends. She becomes aggressive towards a woman who confronts Lucy about her behaviour with her boyfriend in the nightclub. This is the first time Lucy exhibits this type of response, along with very pressured speech, pacing and an inability to calm herself. The police are called. They recommend Lucy gets assessed at the hospital after hearing from Lincoln that she has ceased her medication. Lucy is admitted for a brief period in the acute mental health ward. After stabilising and recommencing lithium, Lucy returns to the care of her psychiatrist in the community. The discharge notes report that Lucy had been previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder, may also be experiencing anxiety related symptoms, and have personality vulnerabilities.
Lucy is in the final year of her university studies when she has a professional experience placement in the emergency ward. Lucy really enjoys the fast pace, as well as the variety of complex presentations. Lucy feels it matches her energy and her desire for frequent change. After she completes her studies, Lucy applies and is successful in obtaining a position at the local hospital. Throughout her initial graduate year, Lucy balances life with a diagnosis of mental illness as well as a program of her own self-care. She finds the roster patterns in particular incredibly challenging and again becomes unwell. She goes through a period of depression and is unable to work. During this period, Lucy experiences an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and considers ending her life. Again, she requires a higher level of engagement from her treating team. Lucy agrees she is not fit to work during this time and has a period of leave without pay to recover. She has disclosed to her manager that she has been diagnosed with a mental illness and later discusses how shift work impacts her sleep and her overall mental wellbeing.
Over time, Lucy develops strategies to maintain wellness. However, she describes her relationship with the Nursing Unit Manager as strained, due to her inability to work night shift as her medical certificate shows. Lucy says she is often reminded of the impact that her set roster has on her colleagues. Lucy also feels unheard and dismissed when she raises workplace concerns, as her manager attributes her feelings to her mental health deteriorating. Lucy has a further period when her mental health deteriorates. However, this time it is due to a change in her medication.
As Lucy and Lincoln have a desire to have a child, Lucy was advised that she cease lithium in favour of lamotrigine, to reduce the risk of harm to the baby. Lucy ceases work during the period when her mental health deteriorates during the initial phase of changing medication. Lucy recommences lithium after she ceases breastfeeding their son at 4 months, with good effect and returns to work.
Case study questions
- Consider the symptoms that Lucy experiences and indicate whether they align with the suggested diagnosis.
- Identify the biopsychosocial contributing factors that could impact mental health and wellness.
- Review and identify the professional disclosure requirements of a Registered Nurse who lives with mental illness in your local area.
- Identify self-care strategies that Lucy or yourself as a health professional could implement to support mental health and wellbeing.
Thinking point
Sometimes people do not agree with a diagnosis of mental illness, which can be incorrectly labelled as ‘denial’ by health professionals. It is possible that the person is unable to perceive or be aware of their illness. This inability of insight is termed anosognosia (Amador, 2023). The cause of anosognosia in simple terms can be due to a non-functioning or impaired part of the frontal lobe of the brain, which may be caused by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or other diseases such as dementia (Kirsch et al., 2021).
As healthcare workers will likely care for someone who is experiencing anosognosia, it is important to reflect on how you may work with someone who does not have the level of insight you would have hoped. Below is a roleplay activity whereby you can experience what it might be like to communicate with someone experiencing anosognosia. Reflect on your communication skills and identify strategies you could use to improve your therapeutic engagement.
Role play activity – Caring for a person who is experiencing anosognosia
Learning objectives
- Demonstrate therapeutic engagement with someone who is experiencing mental illness
- Identify effective communication skills
- Reflect on challenges and identify professional learning needs
Resources required
- Suitable location to act out scene.
- One additional person to play the role of service user.
Two people assume role of either service user or clinician. If time permits, switch roles and repeat.
- Lucy has been commenced on lithium carbonate ER for treatment of her bipolar disorder.
- Lucy is attending the health care facility every week, as per the treating psychiatrist’s requests.
- The clinician’s role is to monitor whether Lucy is experiencing any side effects.
Role 1 – Clinician
- Clinician assumes role of health care worker in a health care setting of choice.
- Lucy has presented and your role is to ask Lucy whether she is experiencing any side effects and whether she has noticed any improvements in her mental state.
Role 2 – Lucy who lives with bipolar
- Lucy responds that she does not understand the need for the tablets. She also denies having a mental illness. Lucy says she will do what she is told, but does not think there is anything wrong with her. Lucy thinks she is just an energetic person who at times gets sad, which she describes as ‘perfectly normal.’ Lucy is not experiencing any negative side effects, but says she would like clarification about why the doctor has prescribed this medication.
Post role play debrief
Reflect and discuss your experiences, both as Lucy and as the clinician. Identify and discuss what was effective and what were the challenges.
Identify professional development opportunities and develop a learning plan to achieve your goals.
Additional resources that might be helpful
Key information and links to other resources
Fisher (2022) suggests there are large numbers of health professionals who live with mental illness and recognise the practice value that comes with lived experience. However, the author also notes that as stigma is rife within the health care environment, disclosing mental illness can trigger an enhanced surveillance of the health professional’s practice or impede professional relationships (Fisher, 2022).
It is evident that the case studies derived from Lucy’s life story are complex and holistic care is essential. The biopsychosocial model was first conceptualised in 1977 by George Engel, who suggests it is not only a person’s medical condition, but also psychological and social factors that influence health and wellbeing (Engel,2012).
Below are examples of what you as a health professional could consider in each domain.
- Biological: Age, gender, physical health conditions, drug effects, genetic vulnerabilities
- Psychological: Emotions, thoughts, behaviours, coping skills, values
- Social: Living situation, social environment, work, relationships, finances, education
Developing skills through engaging in reflective practice and professional development is essential. Each person is unique, which requires you as the professional to adapt to their particular circumstances. The resources below can help you develop understanding of both regulatory requirements and the diagnosis Lucy is living with.
Organisations providing information relevant to this case study
- Rethink Mental Illness: Bipolar disorder
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA): Resources – helping you understand mandatory notifications
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA): Podcast – Mental health of nurses, midwives and the people they care for
- Black Dog Institute: TEN – The essential network for health professionals
- Borderline Personality Disorder Community
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Anxiety disorders
Case study 3 summary
In this case study, Lucy’s symptoms of mental illness emerge in her teenage years. Lucy describes periods of intense mood, both elevated and depressed, as well as potential anxiety-related responses. It is not until she develops a therapeutic relationship with a university school-based counsellor that she realises it might be beneficial to engage the services of a psychiatrist. After she is diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder she engages in treatment. Lucy shares her experience of both inpatient and community treatment as well as her professional practice requirements in the context of her mental illness.
Amador, X. (2023). Denial of anosognosia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 252, 242–243.
Engel, G. (2012). The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 40(3), 377–396.
Fisher, J. (2023). Who am I? The identity crisis of mental health professionals living with mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Advance online publication.
Kirsch, L. P., Mathys, C., Papadaki, C., Talelli, P., Friston, K., Moro, V., & Fotopoulou, A. (2021). Updating beliefs beyond the here-and-now: The counter-factual self in anosognosia for hemiplegia. Brain Communications, 3(2), Article fcab098.