Book Title: Case Studies for Health, Research and Practice in Australia and New Zealand

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Book Description: Taking a transformational, place-based approach, the OER case studies for health are set within Australian metropolitan and regional areas so learning is contextual and relatable.
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Book Description
The OER includes case studies of 5 families from a variety of backgrounds in metropolitan and regional Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW), and Victoria (VIC), Australia. Case studies have been popular in nursing to help students bring their learning to life and enhance their critical thinking. However, often case studies appear in one unit or one particular content area to aid students learning for a particular condition or point in time.
Taking a transformational, place-based approach, the OER case studies for health are set within metropolitan and regional areas, so learning is contextual and relatable. Case studies increase in complexity so that students can be introduced to and ‘get to know’ the families from their first year of study. As students progress through their studies, they meet the families again in different, often more complex scenarios. The families experience a variety of political and socio-economic circumstances, which helps students to learn about various healthcare contexts, build knowledge and understanding about the families’ circumstances from a holistic, person-centred, interprofessional perspective, and engage at a deeper level.
Educators can integrate each family case study into multiple units across health programmes. This encourages students to learn through the lens of the unit they are studying while drawing on information learnt in previous units. Each OER chapter contains opportunities for students to engage with the material, complete activities and access further resources suggested by the authors. Case studies for health, research and practice provides students with an opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, reflection and discourse, as well as clinical skills. Including this OER in health curricula will support the development of a broad spectrum of knowledge, skills and professionalism, which students can transfer to various healthcare contexts as they build their professional identities. formation learnt in previous units. Each OER chapter contains opportunities for students to engage with the material, completing activities and accessing further resources suggested by the authors., Case studies for health research and practice provides students with an opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, reflection and discourse as well as the development of clinical skills. The inclusion of this OER in health curricula will support the development of a broad spectrum of knowledge, skills and professionalism which can be transferred to a variety of healthcare contexts as students build their professional identities.
Case Studies for Health, Research and Practice in Australia and New Zealand Copyright © 2023 by Southern Cross University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Personal and public health / health education