H5P activities list

This book includes 18 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Section 1 Chapter 2 review: Impacts on healthcare provider uncertainty toleranceDrag the Words
2Section 1 Chapter 3 Uncertainty tolerance conceptual modelDialog Cards
3SampleBranchingScenarioBranching Scenario
5Case study 1.1bCourse Presentation
6Case Study 1.1aCourse Presentation
7Do not use - End of Chapter Quiz S1.Ch1.Question Set
8Section 1 Chapter 3 review: Model elementsDrag the Words
10Section 1 Chapter 1 review: Sources of UncertaintyQuestion Set
11Section 2 Chapter 4 review: Teaching Practices which Stimulate UncertaintyQuestion Set
12draft Case study 3.1aCourse Presentation
13draft Example 3.1 (Scenario A & B)Course Presentation
14draft Case study 3.1bCourse Presentation
15Chapter 7 caseCourse Presentation
16Chapter 16 Video 1Interactive Video
17Chapter 16 Video 2Interactive Video
18Chapter 10 Dialog CardsDialog Cards
19Chapter 15 Accordion 1Accordion
20Chapter 15 Accordion 2Accordion