
Appendix 3: Chapter 9 Facilitator Guide

Slide 1: Speak from the Heart: Exploring Planetary Health

Start H5P slide deck.

Slide 2: The Context

  • Play H5P Audio: Rosalie.
  • Play the four-minute video from the Healing Foundation explaining intergenerational trauma experienced by Aboriginal people.

Slide 3: Learning Objectives

Slide 4: The Uluru Statement from the Heart

Play the one-minute video or the four-minute audio recording of the Uluru Statement from the Heart being read.

Slide 5: Activity 1: The Uluru Statement from the Heart

Hand out the Uluru Statement from the Heart (Uluru Statement, n.d.) document.

  • Provide 10–15 minutes for students to read the document.
  • Allow 20 minutes for discussion.

Slide 6: Activity 2: Rosalie’s Narrative Portrait

This activity is based on visual thinking strategies (for information about this approach, watch the video created by WMS Art Lab, 2020). Allow 20 minutes or more for small-group discussion.

Slide 7: Activity 3: Listen

Listen to the audio recordings of the seven symbols.

Slide 8: Reflect and Discuss

You may wish to include in the discussions concepts such as planetary health (Shaw et al., 2021; Walpole et al., 2019), the Anthropocene (Welcome to the Anthropocene, 2012), equity, and social justice (Watego et al., 2021). Adjust the discussion time according to your learners’ familiarity with the themes introduced here.

Slide 9: Personal Reflective Activity

This slide can be removed if there isn’t enough time for the activity.

  • Provide 15 minutes for learners to individually write their reflective responses to this question.
  • Invite sharing. You may wish to share the principles of being a good ally to First Nations colleagues and identify one or two contextually relevant local examples to start the discussion.

Helpful resources include the Climate and Health Alliance’s,  ‘Greening the Health Sector’ forums and the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals.

Slide 10: Pledge

Ask students to write on a piece of paper ‘I pledge to …’

Slide 11: Watch and Stay Curious

Watch the video, then answer the following questions:

  • What conclusions has Rosalie drawn from her experiences?
  • What lessons have you learned from this activity?


Shaw, E., Walpole, S., McLean, M., Alvarez-Nieto, C., Barna, S., Bazin, K., Behrens G., Chase, H., Duane, B., El Omrani, O., Elf, M., Guzmán, C. A., de Barros, E. F., Gibbs, T. J., Groome, J., Hackett, F., Harden, J., Hothersall, E. J., Hourihan, M., … Woollard, R. (2021). AMEE consensus statement: Planetary health and education for sustainable healthcare. Medical Teacher43(3), 272–286. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2020.1860207

Uluru Statement. (n.d.). The statement. https://ulurustatement.org/the-statement/view-the-statement/

Walpole, S. C., Barna, S., Richardson, J., & Rother, H. A. (2019). Sustainable healthcare education: Integrating planetary health into clinical education. The Lancet Planetary Health3(1), e6–e7. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30246-8

Watego, C., Singh, D., & Macoun, A. (2021). Partnership for justice in health: Scoping paper on race, racism and the Australian health system. Lowitja Institute. https://www.lowitja.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Lowitja_PJH_170521_D10-1.pdf

Welcome to the Anthropocene. (2012, March 23). Welcome to the Anthropocene [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/39048998

WMS Art Lab. (2020, August 13). Visual thinking strategies: An introduction [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJnIYwgF_z8



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Preparing Learners for Uncertainty in Health Professions Copyright © 2024 by Michelle D. Lazarus and Georgina C. Stephens is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.