
Peer review statement

All chapters were peer reviewed through a rigorous, formative, and developmental process using the following steps:

  1. Initial drafting was completed by chapter authors.
  2. Draft chapters were reviewed by editors (MDL and GCS). Herein, feedback included follow-up questions to inspire reflection on the curricular activity, consistency across chapters with regards to language and focus, and incorporation of uncertainty tolerance language (e.g. stimuli, moderators, and responses).
  3. Chapters were then edited by authors to address the editors’ feedback with further feedback/queries addressed until both editors and authors were satisfied. For chapters authored by the editors, the co-editor (non-primary) provided feedback prior to the internal peer-review stage (Step 4).
  4. Each chapter then entered an internal peer review stage, where all chapter authors were assigned to review a chapter they did not write. For details about which authors provided peer-review for each chapter, please see the author biographies above. Given the diverse backgrounds and expertise of the authorship of this book, this stage focused on clarity and consistency of writing. All reviewers were tasked with reviewing and providing feedback to the chapter authors, and to also consider what changes they would make to their own chapters following this internal peer review stage.
  5. Next, all chapter authors incorporated feedback from this second review round.
  6. Finally, all chapters were sent out for external peer review, as described below:

Monash University is committed to publishing high-quality open textbooks which meet the needs of educators. This book has been peer-reviewed by two subject experts. Reviews were structured around considerations of the intended audience of the book and examined the comprehensiveness, accuracy, and relevance of the content. Reviews were also focused on relevance longevity, clarity, consistency, organisation structure flow, grammatical errors, and cultural relevance.

The authors and the publication team would like to thank the reviewers for the time, care, and commitment they contributed to the project. We recognise that peer reviewing is a generous act of service on their part. This book would not be the robust, valuable resource that it is were it not for their feedback and input.





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Preparing Learners for Uncertainty in Health Professions Copyright © 2024 by Michelle D. Lazarus and Georgina C. Stephens is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.