
About the Authors

Josh Ambrosy has significant expertise in the development and delivery of curriculum-based outdoor education programs. He has taught ITE (Initial Teacher Education) outdoor education units in higher education since 2018. Josh has 8 years of teaching experience in schools, including significant time teaching VCE OES, and other outdoor education subjects. He also coordinated a large outdoor education program at an independent school in Melbourne. Josh has been a VCAA examiner since 2016. He has written several commercial resources for both VCE OES and OE in general. He has been a regular PD facilitator in this area since 2014. Josh has also been an expert panel member for state and federal curriculum review and renewal projects. Josh is also part of the Outdoor Education in the Victorian Curriculum (OEVC) project, a collaborative effort between Victorian universities and peak bodies.


Sandy Allen-Craig has over 35 years’ experience supporting teachers of outdoor education in Victoria. She has developed and implemented courses and curriculum in outdoor education (OE) and outdoor leadership at national and state levels for preservice OE students. She is a published academic and researcher in OE curriculum and program outcomes, risk management, bush adventure therapy, conditions of outdoor employment, & diversity and gender equity within the Outdoor profession. Sandy has been awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Council citation, for outstanding contribution to student learning. She is currently an executive member of Outdoor Education Australia, a board member of Outdoors Victoria, an associate editor of Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education and Australian Tertiary Outdoor Educators Network (ATOEN) member. Sandy has also been an expert panel member for both state and federal curriculum review and renewal projects. She is also presently working on the Outdoor Education in the Victorian Curriculum (OEVC) project, a collaborative effort between Victorian universities and peak bodies.



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A Teachers Guide to Outdoor Education Curriculum: Victorian Edition Copyright © 2023 by Federation University and Australian Catholic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.