Book Title: A Teachers Guide to Outdoor Education Curriculum: Victorian Edition

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Book Description: This book provides practical advice and guidance to pre-service teachers and teachers who are teaching outdoor education in Victoria. It has been written as a handbook to support the development and delivery of school programs that align to both the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and those who deliver VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies.
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Outdoor education is a unique and well-established field of study with significant local and international literature to support it. Over the last 40 years, outdoor education in various articulations, has become a staple of Victorian schooling. Despite the long-standing tradition in Victoria, of offering outdoor education programs and subjects that aligns to the curriculum, there is currently a lack of specific guidance material to help teachers. It serves as a handbook for pre-service teachers and those working in schools alike, to develop contemporary units of work and assessment tasks as part of their schools outdoor education curriculum.
A Teachers Guide to Outdoor Education Curriculum: Victorian Edition Copyright © 2023 by Federation University Australia and Australian Catholic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Outdoor schools / education