

As Open Education Librarian at Deakin University, I support academics in the development of open educational resources (OER) for use in teaching and learning. Through this role, I have come to understand the commitment and time it takes to develop open resources and how complicated it can be to innovate and to deviate from the norm in an educational institution.

Since the commencement of Deakin’s OER program in 2021, open practice at our institution has evolved. Our discussions have moved from developing an initial understanding and awareness of OER to supporting projects utilising OER enabled pedagogies such as the resources developed by Rebecca and the students of EHI702. Historical thinking for senior secondary students: A collection of teaching and learning activities 2022 was our institution’s first example of an OER co-developed with students. At our launch event for this edition, I was impressed and inspired by the pre-service History teachers’ enthusiasm, understanding of OER and their contributions to the resource. The students spoke beautifully about how the techniques that they learned as part of the resource development would enhance their practice once they commenced their teaching roles.

Exploring the 2023 edition, Diverse historical narratives and perspectives: A collection of learning and teaching activities 2023, I feel the same enthusiasm. The activities are engaging and well structured and could be utilised in senior secondary classrooms anywhere. For the pre-service teachers, the idea of having work published at this stage of their practice while contributing to the learning of others, must be a transformational experience. Rebecca’s commitment to utilising renewable assignments embeds open practice within the practice of these commencing teachers, transferring open educational practice to a new generation of teachers, embodying the open practitioner philosophy of collaboration with students for all students.

In contributing this foreword to the text, I would like to sincerely thank Rebecca for the opportunity and congratulate all involved in the development of this open educational resource.

Angie Williamson, Open Education Librarian Deakin University