
4 Trade in Ancient Egypt by Alex Leather

Cross-cultural trade in ancient Egypt


Juglets, Levant (l) & Egypt (r), Second Intermediate Period” by Gary Lee Todd (CC0 1.0)


Curriculum context  VCE Unit 2: Ancient Egypt (VCAA, 2020)
Historical context Middle Kingdom Egypt and the Second Intermediate Period (2040 to 1550 BCE)
Historical thinking concepts Use sources as evidence

Historical Inquiry

Cause and consequence

Learning intentions
Understand the importance of cross-cultural trade and the significance it had on bringing Egypt into the Mediterranean world

Group collaboration and historical inquiry


Step 1

In groups, brainstorm the importance of trade in society today with specific focus on how it can connect different regions and cultures.

With this information in mind, follow the below links to gain an overview of the Middle Kingdom period as well as the Second Intermediate period of ancient Egypt

Middle Kingdom of Egypt

Second Intermediate Period of Egypt


Step 2

Find maps of ancient Egypt during the time period, looking at its geographical location.

Think about the potential key trade partners and write them down for the next activity.

Further your research to find maps with the trade routes/ ways things were traded in and out.

Map of Ancient Egypt, 1000 BCE: Late Dynastic History | TimeMaps

Trade in Ancient Egypt – World History Encyclopedia


Step 3

Can you find artefacts that show cross cultural trade? Some examples may be pottery, textiles and other luxury items.

List them in the table like this:


Item Where it is from Evidence Influence it had




Step 4

Research inquiry: What architectural developments were influenced by cross-cultural trade and what was their purpose and power?




Mark, J. J. (2016) Middle Kingdom of Egypt, World History Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/Middle_Kingdom_of_Egypt/

Mark J. J.  (2016) Second Intermediate Period of Egypt, World History Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/Second_Intermediate_Period_of_Egypt/

Timemap. n.d. Ancient Egypt 1000 BCE https://timemaps.com/history/ancient-egypt-1000bce/

VCAA. (2020). VCE Study Design: History 2022-2026. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/history/Pages/index.aspx