
25 The ‘modern girl’ by Amelia Lowe

1. Influences of the ‘modern girl’


State Lib Qld 1 131355 Flapper in a 1929 Chrysler 75 roadster Author unknown, John Oxley Library State Library of Queensland, Public Domain


Curriculum Context VCE Unit 1 Modern History (VCAA 2020)
Historical Thinking Concepts Analyse sources for use as evidence
Historical Context Change and Conflict> the ‘modern girl’
Learning Intentions Analyse what conditions influenced the ‘modern girl’ and develop skills in using primary sources as evidence



Part A: Video

Watch this video as a class and take notes on the characteristics, qualities and things that influenced of the ‘modern girl’ e.g., war, independence, clothing, gender roles…

WWI Legacies: Flappers

The teacher will then brainstorm these ideas on the whiteboard and students will add to their notes.


Part B: Source analysis

Read this article about the Australian Flapper on Trove.

Source 1 The Flapper (by one who knows her)

Guiding questions:

1) Is this a primary or secondary source?

2) Who was the intended audience?

3) What does she do?

4) Does the author portray her in a positive light?

5) Was the ‘modern girl’ only in the west?

6) What influenced the ‘modern girl’?


Source 2 Suffrage farmerettes. Mrs Ruth Litt of East Patchoque, New York at work producing food, author unknown, National Archives Catalog, Public Domain

Analyse this source with a partner by conducting a character map where you will answer the questions below to gain a better understanding of women in WWI. When considering where this person might be going and the consequences of their choices, do this in relation to how women responded following WWI.

  1. Head: What does this person think about their society?
  2. Eyes: What has this person seen?
  3. Ears: What has this person heard?
  4. Mouth: What is this person saying?
  5. Heart: What is this person feeling? What do they care about? Or who is at the centre of this person’s universe of obligation?
  6. Stomach: What is this person worried about?
  7. Hands: What actions has this person taken? What choices have they made?
  8. Feet: Has this person changed? Where might this person be going in the future? Or What might be some consequences of this person’s choices?


Debrief: Once students complete their character map, the teacher will select groups to answer each of the questions.




Facing History and Ourselves (n.d.) Character Maps, Facing History and Ourselves. https://www.facinghistory.org/sites/default/files/2022-06/Teaching_Strategies_UK.pdf

The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser (27 August 1926). The Flapper (by one who knows her), The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser, Trove. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/123066598?searchTerm=flapper

Wall Street Journal. (2014). WWI Legacies: Flappers, Wall Street Journal YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npB9ltho-NE

VCAA. (2020). VCE Study Design: History 2022-2026. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/history/Pages/index.aspx



2. Impact of the ‘modern girl’


Ingenues arrive, Central Station, Sydney, 1928-1929 by Sam Hood, State Library of New South Wales, Public Domain


Curriculum Context VCE Unit 1 Modern History (VCAA 2020)
Historical Thinking and Concepts Analyse sources for use as evidence
Historical Context Change and Conflict> the ‘modern girl’
Learning Intentions Understand and evaluate the impact the ‘modern girl’ had on society while using sources as evidence



Part A: Paragraphs on source analysis

The ‘modern girl’ had a huge impact across the globe. Here are a few of the areas she influenced:

  • Gender roles
  • Fashion and media
  • Social and sexual expression

Primary sources have been attached to each of these areas below. Your task is to write 1-3 paragraphs using the sources and your own research to answer the question, discuss the impact the ‘modern girl’ had on society using your own research and the sources provided. Each paragraph will be based on one of the three areas selected. Analyse the sources and use the questions attached to guide your response.


Paragraph Options:

1. Gender Roles

Source 1 The Modern Girl: Seeking Her Own Fortune, Full of Self Reliance


  • What has the role of women been in the past?
  • What jobs are women doing in this article that a man would typically do?
  • What characteristic does the ‘modern girl’ have?


2. Fashion and Media

Source 2 Portrait of Kono San at a Movietone event on board SS SIERRA, Samuel Hood, Public Domain



  • Describe this woman’s appearance?
  • What country is she from? (see link above)
  • What was her job? (see link above)
  • How did people perceive her during this time?


3. Social and Sexual Expression


Source 3 The Roaring 20s, flappers dancing the Charleston


  • What does the ‘modern girl’ do for fun?
  • How does she express herself sexually? Is she sexual?
  • Were her actions in this clip accepted by all society?


Part B: Create a Headline

Using the sources above and your knowledge of the time, create a headline about the ‘modern girl’ which might be found in a newspaper after WWI. Consider the ideas and issues of the time. Headlines will be shared with the class.



Clips and Footage (2010). The Roaring 20s, flappers dancing the Charleston,  Clips and Footage. You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7neA1I9K71c

Daily Telegraph (8 November 1920). The Modern Girl: Seeking Her Own Fortune, Full of Self Reliance,  Daily Telegraph, Trove.  https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/153012868?searchTerm=modern%20women%20seeking%20employment

Facing History and Ourselves (2018), Create a Headline, Facing History and Ourselves. https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/create-headline

VCAA. (2020). VCE Study Design: History 2022-2026. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/history/Pages/index.aspx