
33 The Holocaust: Memory and Legacy by Raka Chatterjee

Analysing historical artifacts to find out about historical events



Auschwitz Muzeum Shoes by Bibi595, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)


Curriculum Context VCE Unit 1 Modern History, Area of Study 2 (VCAA 2020)
Historical Context The exclusion, marginalization, and organized mass killings of six million European Jews by the Nazi German regime and its allies and collaborators in the 20th century through a case study of the Holocaust.
Historical Thinking Concepts Analysis and use of sources as evidence

Continuity and change.

Learning Intentions To use sources as evidence and answer questions to develop knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust.

To construct arguments for a debate using sources as evidence



Step 1: Look closely at this image of a shoe and fill in the table individually.

SEE THINK WONDER (make list of questions)





Step 2: Discuss with your table group and write your common understandings and questions.

Step 3: Now watch the video (around 8 mins) Footprints (UN) on YouTube, a film by Cornelia Reetz (The Holocaust Centre, 2009)

Step 4: Reflection

  1. Refer to your See, Think, Wonder notes. What did you learn? Can you now answer any of the questions in the wonder column?
  2. Write one or two sentences describing what might have happened to the child that wore this shoe.
  3. Describe how this artifact has helped to tell the story of historical events.
  4. Now make a list of inquiry questions that you have about the Holocaust more broadly.

Step 5: Research

Part 1: Look at some some of the artifacts and their stories on these Holocaust museum sites:

Artifacts Unpacked: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Select an artifact, draw an impression of it and summarise its story and historical significance in a paragraph. Share your drawing and story with the class.

Part 2: With the help of the sources answer the following questions:

Source 1: Introduction to the Holocaust: What was the Holocaust? | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org)

  1. Why did the Nazis target the Jews? Did antisemitism originate under the Nazi regime?
  2. Who were the Nazis allies and collaborators in the Holocaust? What role did they play in the persecution of the Jews?
  3. What was the final solution?
  4. Why did the Nazis establish ghettos?

Source 2: Timeline of the Holocuast

  1. Why is Kristallnacht significant in the history of the holocaust?
  2. What was the significance of the Nuremberg Laws? What was its impact on the persecution of the Jews in the pre-war years till 1938?
  3. What forces of continuity and change are visible in the persecution of the Jews after the outbreak of the Second World War between 1939-1945 with respect to pre-war years? Did the War impact the Final Solution to the “Jewish question?”


3-2-1 Reflection:

  • 3 key learnings about the Holocaust that have deeply impacted you
  • 2 questions you still have
  • 1 thing you are wondering about as a person learning about the Holocaust in  21st century




Reetz, R. (2009) Footprints, Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme. https://vimeo.com/4852447

Timeline TOTH. (n.d.). Timeline of the Holocaust. https://timelineoftheholocaust.org/

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (2021). Introduction to the Holocaust. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust

VCAA. (2020). VCE Study Design: History 2022-2026. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/history/Pages/index.aspx

Yad Vashem (2023). Artifacts on Display in the Holocaust History Museum. https://www.yadvashem.org/artifacts/museum.html