
10 Challenges and Consequences of Ottoman Expansion by Jacob Darlow

Source analysis: Challenges and consequences of Ottoman expansion


Ottoman Empire map 1577 by Yeniseian (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Curriculum context VCE Empires Unit 1 & 2 (VCAA, 2020)
Historical thinking concepts Use sources as evidence

Explore historical perspective

Historical context  

Ottoman Empire: What were the changes and consequences of the Ottoman Empire’s expansion? How did this affect the local indigenous peoples?

Learning intentions To understand the impact that the Ottoman Empire’s expansion had on its people.

To use primary and secondary sources noting the differences in the portrayal of the Ottoman Empire.

To answer a research short answer question on the impact the Ottoman Empire’s expansion had on the indigenous peoples of the invaded lands.



For this activity, you will view both primary and secondary sources and then answer the questions below individually or in pairs. This task is designed so that you can understand how historical perspectives change over time and how the expanding Ottoman Empire affected its population and the areas that it invaded. To answer the below questions, you will need to do some additional research using the links provided or your own reputable sources.

Primary Sources

  1. Representation of the Turkish Empire (Turcici Imperii descriptio) by Abraham Ortelius, 1570, via Library of Congress (CC BY-ND 2.0)



2. Süleyman I the Magnificent, detail of an engraving of a panel showing a procession through Istanbul. Pieter Coecke van Aelst, 1533 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Follow this link to look at the larger version of this print.




Viewing these primary sources answer and discuss the following questions in pairs or as a class:

  1. How is the Ottoman Empire depicted in these images?
  2. What do you think was the purpose of these images?
  3. Do you think this is an accurate depiction of the Ottoman Empire? Why/Why not?


Secondary source

 A painting depicting the Battle of Kosovo by Adam Stefanović, 1870, Public Domain


  1. How is this depiction of the Ottoman Empire different to that of the primary sources?
  2. Why do you think secondary sources often paint a different picture than that of primary sources?
  3. Why do you think expansion was important to the Ottoman Empire?


Short answer research questions:

  • What were some central challenges the new territories and colonies of the Ottoman Empire faced from the perspective of the indigenous inhabitants?
  • Did the Ottoman occupation improve their daily lives or were they worsened?




VCAA. (2020). VCE Study Design: History 2022-2026. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/history/Pages/index.aspx