
48 French imperialsim and the development of the Indochina War/Anti-French Resistance War by Kim Wong

Investigating the impact of imperialism and colonialism on the people of Indochina



Ho Chi Minh in Paris 1946, Author unknown, US National Archives, Public Domain


Curriculum Context VCE Unit 2 Modern History, Area of Study 2 (VCAA, 2020)
Historical Context  

Decolonisation and self-determination movements > The rise of the First Indochina War

Historical Thinking Concepts Analysing cause and effect

Using historical sources as evidence

Learning Intention  

To research the history of French Indochina and understand how colonisation impacted the lives of its citizens.

To explore how the events of colonialism in Indochina eventually led to the desire for independence.



Part A: The impact of French imperialism

You are to begin with independent research. You will conduct research starting from the formation of French Indochina, up until the beginning of the First Indochina War. Find out about:

  • The motive for the colonisation of Indochina and its people.
  • The relationship between the colonisers and the colonised.
  • The effects of French imperialism and how the colonised population were treated by their colonisers.

These websites can be used as starting points for finding information:

Effects of French colonial rule

French colonialism in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh: Appeal Made on the Occasion of the Founding of the Indochinese Communist Party


After researching, you and other students form a Socratic circle and share what you found to be significant information. Half the class will form the inner circle while the other half forms the outer circle. Switch after the inner circle has finished sharing and discussions. The Socratic circles then discuss the question: How did these effects contribute to the war for independence? 


Part B: Investigating the Indochina War/Anti-French Resistance War 

Forming groups, you must work together to create short presentation explaining the significance of an event or group relating to the Indochina War/Anti-French Resistance War. Consider the following guiding questions:

  • What significance does this event or group have in terms of motivating the desire for independence?
  • How did this event or group impact the lives of the colonised people?
  • How did this event or group impact the lives of French colonisers?
  • To what extent is this event or group significant to outcome of the First Indochina War/Anti-French Resistance War?



Alpha History. (2019). French Colonialism in Vietnam. https://alphahistory.com/vietnamwar/french-colonialism-in-vietnam/

Britannica. (n.d). Effects of French colonial rule. https://www.britannica.com/place/Vietnam/The-two-Vietnams-1954-65

Marxists.org. (2003). Appeal Made on the Occasion of the Founding of the Indochinese Communist Party. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/ho-chi-minh/works/1930/02/18.htm

VCAA. (2020). VCE Study Design: History 2022-2026. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/history/Pages/index.aspx