Physical exam
Bruce Adamski
Facilitator notes
Facilitator, please ask the student/team what examination they want to perform, and provide ONLY the finding of the examination they request, i.e. only one line at a time. Ask the student/team to be specific!
Example vignette
Team – “Measure vital signs.”
Facilitator – “What vital signs would you like?”
Team – “Heart rate.”
General inspection
Bruce appears of stated age. He appears diaphoretic and uncomfortable and anxious. Body habitus is mildly overweight.
Vital signs
HR 84bpm, regular
RR 20/min
BP 90/65 mmHg
Temperature 37.4 °C
SatsO2 95%
Capillary refill time: 4 seconds.
Regional exam
Limbs: cold, clammy hands. Thready peripheral pulses. No radio-radial or radio-femoral delay.
Neck: JVP not elevated. Carotid pulses present, no appreciable bruit.
Cardiovascular exam: Apex beat not palpable. Heart sounds dual, no murmurs.
Respiratory examination: chest clear, equal air entry.
All other examinations normal.