Physical exam
Payne Stark
Facilitator notes
Facilitator, please ask the student/team what examination they want to perform, and provide ONLY the finding of the examination they request, i.e. only one line at a time. Ask the student/team to be specific!
Example vignette
Team – “Measure vital signs.”
Facilitator – “What vital signs would you like?”
Team – “Heart rate.”
General inspection
Payne appears anxious. She is showing mild respiratory distress, but able to speak in full sentences. Body habitus large, her BMI is 31.
Vital signs
HR 104 bpm
RR 28/min
BP 120/80 mmHg
Temperature 36.5°C
SatsO2: 88% on room air and 94% on 4 L/min oxygen administered by nasal prongs.
Regional exam
Respiratory: Equal air entry on auscultation, nil added sounds. Resonant to percussion bilaterally. Nil cyanosis.
Cardiovascular: Heart sounds dual, nil murmurs heard. Warm peripheries.
Lower limb: Varicose veins present in both legs. Swelling of left calf. Tender to palpation.
All other examinations are normal.