Physical exam
Geraldine Bridgerton
Facilitator notes
Facilitator, please ask the student/team what examination they want to perform, and provide ONLY the finding of the examination they request, i.e. only one line at a time. Ask the student/team to be specific!
Example vignette
Team – “Measure vital signs.”
Facilitator – “What vital signs would you like?”
Team – “Heart rate.”
General inspection
Geraldine appears of stated age. Body habitus slim. She appears agitated, fidgeting.
Vital signs
HR 150bpm, possibly irregular, too fast to tell.
RR 20/min
BP 140/90 mmHg
Temperature 37.4 °C
Sat O2 99%
Regional exam
Eyes: Redness in conjunctiva, proptosis/exophthalmos seen.
Eyes: Lid retraction obvious at rest, whites seen above and below iris.
Eye movements: Lid lag apparent on examination.
Hands: Warm, red and sweaty palms. Fine resting tremor noted.
Abdominal exam: NAD.
Neck inspection: Central, diffuse enlargement, apparent on neck extension.
Neck palpation: Enlargement moves on swallowing. Warmth noted.
Neck palpation: No palpable lymphadenopathy.
Reflexes: Brisk. General jumpiness noted in patient.
All other examinations normal.