
Investigations and interventions

Eleonora Leopardi and Nara Jones

Red Room – physical examination

In the Red Room, a physical examination can be conducted. When a physical examination is requested to the facilitator, the student/team requesting the exam will name the specific technique they wish to utilise, and the facilitator will read aloud the finding for that examination.

Example vignette

Team – “Physical examination, please.”
Facilitator – “What examination would you like to conduct?”
Team – “Measure vital signs.”
Facilitator – “What vital signs would you like?”
Team – “Heart rate.”
Facilitator – “Heart rate is 85 beats per minute.”

The student/team requesting the examination can request as many examinations as they wish during their turn. Once they conclude their turn, further examinations must be requested in a separate turn.

There is no cost associated with physical examination.

Orange Room – pathology laboratory

The following pathology tests can be requested in the Orange Room. Only one test can be requested per turn, and the corresponding cost must be paid upon request. No refunds are provided if the test result is within normal ranges.

Investigation In-Game Cost
ACTH & Synacthen test $80
Aldosterone $80
ANA $80
Arterial Blood Gas $80
Ascitic Fluid Analysis $100
B12 and Folate $80
Bone Marrow Biopsy $100
Brain Naturetic Peptide $100
Cervical Screening Test $40
CMP (Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate) $60
Coagulation Studies (PT/aPTT) $100
Coeliac Serology $80
Cortisol $80
Creatine Kinase $60
CRP (C-reactive Protein) $60
D-Dimer $60
Direct Antiglobulin Test $60
ENA $60
ESR – RBC sedimentation rate $60
EUC – Electrolytes, Urea, Creatinine $60
Fasting Blood Glucose $60
Fibrinogen $60
FSH $80
Full Blood Count $60
Growth Hormone $80
Haptoglobin $80
HbA1c $60
Iron Studies $80
Joint Aspiration Analysis $100
Lactate Dehydrogenase $60
LFTs – Liver Function Tests $60
LH $80
Lipids $60
Myoglobin $80
Oestradiol $80
Parathyroid Hormone $80
Peripheral Blood Smear $60
Pleural Fluid Analysis $100
Procalcitonin $80
Progesterone $80
Prolactin $80
Prostate Specific Antigen $80
Random Blood Glucose $60
Reticulocyte Count $60
Serum Free Light Chains $100
Serum Immunoglobulins $60
Serum MCS $80
Serum Osmolality $80
Serum Protein Electrophoresis $100
Sputum Culture $40
Stool Sample MCS $40
TFTs – Thyroid Function Tests $80
Thiamine Levels $80
Total Testosterone $80
Troponin $80
Urine MCS $40
Urine Osmolality $40
Urine Sodium $20
Venous Blood Gas $80
Viral Serology $60
Vitamin D $80
Wound Swab MCS $40

Yellow Room – tutoring room

No tests can be requested in the Yellow Room, which is reserved for tutoring service. Students will receive 5 questions per turn in the tutoring room, as described in the Earning Healthcare tokens section. Through each turn conducting tutoring service, the student/team may earn a maximum of 5 Healthcare tokens, equivalent to $100. The turns spent in the tutoring room contribute to the total turn number relevant for the deterioration clause.

Green Room – history-taking room

In the Green Room, the student/team can collect the patient’s clinical history. When entering the Green Room, the student/team will role-play gathering a focused history, covering the history of presenting complaint. The facilitator will role-play the patient, and provide answers to the questions asked by the student/team. Further information pertinent to the patient’s past medical, social, and lifestyle history will be shared at the end of the role-play. Once the student/team have concluded the role-play, further information from the patient’s history of presenting complaint can only be collected by spending another turn in the Green room.

There is no cost associated with history-taking. There is no time limit for history-taking, though consideration should be given to everyone’s time and participation in the game.

Blue Room – radiology room

The following imaging tests can be requested in the Blue Room. Only one test can be requested per turn, and the corresponding cost must be paid upon request. No refunds are provided if there is no visible anomaly in the imaging test, or if the student/team are unable to interpret the imaging provided.

Investigation In-Game Cost
Barium Enema $100
Barium Swallow $80
CT Abdomen/Pelvis $120
CT Chest (High Resolution) $120
CT Coronary Angiogram $120
CT Head $120
CT KUB (Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder) $120
CT Pulmonary Angiogram $120
Echocardiogram $80
Mammogram $100
MRI (General) $120
MRI Brain $120
Nuclear Medicine / PET Scan $120
Ultrasound Scan $60
X-Ray Abdomen $40
X-Ray Chest $40
X-Ray Orthopaedic (Hands/Knees/Bone Age) $40

Purple Room – nurses’ station / consultation desk

The following tests can be ordered in the Purple Room. Only one test can be requested per turn, and the corresponding cost must be paid upon request. No refunds are provided if the test report is normal, or if the student/team are unable to interpret the test report provided.

Investigation In-Game Cost
Bronchoscopy $120
Cardiac Stress Test $120
Colonoscopy $120
ECG $40
Fingerprick BGL/HbA1c/Lactate/Ketones $40
Gastroscopy $120
Liver Biopsy $100
Lumbar Puncture $120
Oesophageal Manometry $100
Rapid Covid Antigen Test $20
Rapid Strep Test $20
Spirometry/Lung Function Tests $40
Urine Dipstick $20
Urine Pregnancy Test $20
Vital signs report (HR, RR, BP, SatO2, Temperature) $0

In the Purple Room, a range of specialists can be consulted to receive advice towards diagnostic procedures, request support in interpreting an investigation’s result and/or receive suggestions towards further management.

During a consultation, the specialist will answer one single question, if appropriate clinical background is provided, to support the student/team in progressing further. Each consultation incurs the cost of $100, which must be paid upon request. No refunds are available if the student/team is dissatisfied with the outcome of the consultation, or if the consultant declines the request as not indicated.

Additionally, the Purple Room serves as the resuscitation area, which students/teams need do reach in the event that the deterioration clause is triggered and the knowledge check is failed. Procedures required to rescue the patient from deterioration, such as the commencement of supportive measures, do not constitute a test, thus the student/team may still request a test in the same turn.



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Investigations and interventions Copyright © 2024 by Eleonora Leopardi and Nara Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.