Physical exam

John Perkins

Facilitator notes

Facilitator, please ask the student/team what examination they want to perform, and provide ONLY the finding of the examination they request, i.e. only one line at a time. Ask the student/team to be specific!

Example vignette

Team – “Measure vital signs.”
Facilitator – “What vital signs would you like?”
Team – “Heart rate.”

General inspection

John appears confused, occasionally drowsy, and in pain. Despite his dark complexion, a moderate jaundice can be appreciated. Reduced body hair. Obese body habitus.

Vital signs

HR 98 bpm

RR 18

O2 Sa 98% RA

BP 160/95

Temp 37.0°

Regional exam

Hands: Palmar erythema. Dupuytren’s contracture.

Hands: Asterixis cannot be assessed as patient does not collaborate.

Limbs: Muscle wasting. Scratch marks and bruising noted. Moderate jaundice. Peripheral oedema lower limbs up to calves.

Eyes: Scleral icterus. Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.

Chest: Mild gynecomastia. Heart sounds dual, no murmurs. Pulses strong, regular. Adequate air entry on all lung fields, despite limited patient collaboration.

Abdomen: Very distended. Evident prominent superficial veins.

Abdomen: Diffusely tender on palpation of left lower quadrant. Liver not palpable. Spleen not palpable.

Abdomen: Shifting dullness identified on abdominal percussion.

Abdomen: No apparent hernias. Rectal exam not performed (partner withheld consent).

Neurological: Disoriented, confused. Brisk peripheral reflexes. Positive Babinski sign.



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