
Review Statement

UTS ePress is committed to publishing high-quality open textbooks which meet the needs of students and educators.  This book has been peer-reviewed by two subject experts from two higher education institutions. Each chapter received a single-blind review from academics with specialist knowledge and experience in learning design and higher education.

Reviews were structured around considerations of the intended audience of the book and examined the comprehensiveness, accuracy and relevance of the content. Reviews were also focused on relevance longevity, clarity, consistency, organisation, structure flow, grammatical errors and cultural relevance.

The author and the publication team would like to thank Associate Professor Henk Huijser and Associate Professor Leanne Ngo for the time, care, and commitment they contributed to reviewing the project. We recognise that peer reviewing is a generous act of service on their part. This book would not be the robust, valuable resource that it is were it not for their feedback and input.