Book Title: Designing Learning Experiences for Inclusivity and Diversity: Advice for Learning Designers

Authors: Keith Heggart; Mais Fatayer; Camille Dickson-Deane; Puvaneswari P Arumugam; Katrina Thorpe; Shaun Bell; Susan Page; John Vulic; Nhung Nguyen; Katie Duncan; Rhiannon Hall; and Bruna Contro Pretero

Book Description: The development and implementation of inclusive and diverse learning experiences is a vital consideration for educators in higher education. Increasingly, learning designers play a significant role in this process. This textbook offers postgraduate students a comprehensive guide to designing learning experiences that are accessible, equitable, and inclusive. It provides advice, principles, and practical strategies to help learning designers create a learning environment that recognizes and celebrates diversity while promoting equitable learning outcomes.

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial


Book Information

Book Description

The development and implementation of inclusive and diverse learning experiences is a vital consideration for educators in higher education. Increasingly, learning designers play a significant role in this process. This textbook offers postgraduate students a comprehensive guide to designing learning experiences that are accessible, equitable, and inclusive. It provides advice, principles, and practical strategies to help learning designers create a learning environment that recognizes and celebrates diversity while promoting equitable learning outcomes. Through detailed accounts of theory and practice, it will cover the following topics: diversity and inclusion, role of learning designers, accessibility, equity, cultural responsiveness, open pedagogy, Indigenous-led learning design and designing with students.


Keith Heggart; Mais Fatayer; Camille Dickson-Deane; Puvaneswari P Arumugam; Katrina Thorpe; Shaun Bell; Susan Page; John Vulic; Nhung Nguyen; Katie Duncan; Rhiannon Hall; and Bruna Contro Pretero


Educational strategies and policy: inclusion


Designing Learning Experiences for Inclusivity and Diversity: Advice for Learning Designers
Keith Heggart; Mais Fatayer; Camille Dickson-Deane; Puvaneswari P Arumugam; Katrina Thorpe; Shaun Bell; Susan Page; John Vulic; Nhung Nguyen; Katie Duncan; Rhiannon Hall; and Bruna Contro Pretero
Keith Heggart and Mais Fatayer
Henk Huijser and Leanne Ngo

This book was published by UTS ePress at the University of Technology Sydney via the Council of Australian University Librarians Open Educational Resources Collective. The online version is available at


Note that corporate logos, branding and images captioned as All Rights Reserved are specifically excluded from the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Licence of this work, and may not be reproduced under any circumstances without the express written permission of the copyright holders.

Recommended citation

Heggart, K., Fatayer, M., Dickson-Deane, C., Arumugam, P.P., Thorpe, K., Page, S. Bell, S, Vulic, J., Nguyen, N., Duncan, K., Hall, R., & Pretero, B.C., (2024). Designing Learning Experiences for Inclusivity and Diversity: Advice for Learning Designers. UTS ePress.

Recommended attribution

Designing Learning Experiences for Inclusivity and Diversity: Advice for Learning Designers by Keith Heggart, Mais Fatayer, Puvaneswari P. Arumugam, Katrina Thorpe, Susan Page, Shaun Bell, John Vulic and Katie Duncan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial 4.0 Licence.

Cover (illustration) by UTS ePress is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

Primary Subject
Educational strategies and policy: inclusion
Additional Subject(s)
Higher education, tertiary education, Teaching of students with different educational needs
Australian National University, University of Technology Sydney, Western Sydney University, Deakin University, Auckland University of Technology
UTS ePress
Publication Date
July 26, 2024
Ebook ISBN
Print ISBN