
If You Need Help

What help is available to you?


Your peers:

  • Discuss any problems with other teammates and peers to see if you can produce a solution together. You may need to be creative with your solutions; the chapters on ‘Challenges of Teamwork’ and ‘Activities to Strengthen Teamwork Skills’ can offer some guidance.


Your unit site:

  • Here you can access the Discussion Board where you can post questions about the assignment (and see answers to other students’ questions too).
  • You can also access assignment information, the rubric and all your content here. Ensure you read the assignment information documents and rubric to see what is required.
  • The unit guide will give you an overview of all the assignments for the unit, as well as their due dates.

  • If you are needing an extension, or to apply for special consideration, more information can be found here.


Staff members:

  • This might include your lecturer or unit chair.

  • When contacting staff, try to do so during business hours (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) using the email address on the unit site.

  • Allow at least 3 working days for the staff member to reply. If you have not heard anything after that, you can send a follow up email.
  • Email templates are provided in the ‘Further Resouces’ chapter as a guide for any emails you send to a staff member.
  • You can request a meeting with a staff member to discuss any concerns in person by sending them an email. When meeting a staff member, you can take notes, or your project work in with you. You can also go as a group. It is helpful to write down/ have typed some record of what you want to discuss, particularly if you are worried you will forget something.

  • If you are uncomfortable speaking with your lecturer or unit chair, please contact the Disability Resource Centre at the following email: drcentre@deakin.edu.au

Further resources at Deakin

Click on each resource to learn more.