Book Title: Communication and Teamwork Skills to Support Neurodiversity

Book Description: This textbook is designed for staff and students to support the neurodiverse student body in developing two key professional practice skills: communication and teamwork skills. Neurodiversity is a spectrum, and the aim of this resource is for it to be as accessible as possible for all brains. The ultimate goal is to support students through their course experience and beyond graduation.
Book Information
Book Description
A significant challenge for neurodivergent students is the transition to studying in a new environment. This book focuses on assisting students with this transition by guiding them through different learning activities and information to support the team-based learning they will engage in during their degree. The resources in this book are designed to be accessible for all students and staff, with the aim of developing an understanding of disability and neurodiversity, teamwork and communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with peers to achieve common goals. The resources shared here can be utilised within individual units to support student skill development in inclusivity, engagement with others and the capacity to contribute towards highly functional teams.
Communication and Teamwork Skills to Support Neurodiversity Copyright © 2025 by Deakin University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.