Chapter 1: Authentic leadership for value-based healthcare
Richard Olley and Tracey Silvester

This chapter describes the importance of leadership in implementing value-based healthcare through authentic leadership principles. It discusses definitions, contemporary literature on the topic, and the change management implications that need to be considered by leaders, who have a very important role in supporting value-based healthcare. Talent management principles and techniques in the form of recruiting and selecting the right leaders and their team members to achieve the objectives of value-based healthcare are described and applied via some case scenarios, and the key implications for leadership practice are identified and discussed.
There are activities and reflections for you to engage with in this chapter. You can create a journal to record these to aid your learning.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- Introducing value-based healthcare
- Background to value-based healthcare
- Components of value-based healthcare
- Leadership
- Authentic leadership principles
- Implications for practice