

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

  1. state the hypotheses for ANOVA;
  2. obtain an ANOVA table given summary statistics;
  3. perform a test of hypothesis for ANOVA;
  4. compute the estimate of variance;
  5. verify assumptions for the models used in the hypothesis tests;
  6. compute confidence intervals for a single mean and a difference of means;
  7. perform a Kramer-Tukey multiple comparison analysis and interpret the results.



14.1 Introduction

In Chapter 13.2 we considered two independent samples from two populations with respective means \mu_1 and \mu_2.  We now extend this to k independent samples from k populations with means \mu_1,\mu_2,\dots,\mu_k, \; k \ge 2. This is a common situation. It is unwise to start by comparing every possible pair of populations using two-sample tests because:

  • it is a lot of work. For example, there are more than 100 pairwise comparisons between 15 samples.
  • problems with significance levels in multiple testing.

ANOVA data often arise from designed experiments.

Example 14.1 Toxicology experiments

Many toxicological experiments compare the impact of chemical compounds in the diets of rats. Forty rats were randomly assigned to one of 4 treatments groups. The treatment groups are control, low, medium, high levels of a chemical compound in their diet. At the end of the experiment the rats were euthanised and every organ in the body was weighed. The question of interest is to determine whether the diet of the rats has an impact on the weight of organs (for instance liver weight).

Example 14.2 Discrimination Against People with Disability

Researchers prepared 5 videotaped job interviews using actors with a script designed to reflect an interview with an applicant of average qualifications. The 5 tapes differed only in that the applicant appeared with a different disability in each one. Seventy undergraduate students were randomly assigned to view the tapes. The researchers were required to rate the qualification of the applicant on a 0-10 point scale.

Example 14.3 Zinc diatom species

Medley and Clements (1998) studied the impact of zinc contamination (and other heavy metals) on the diversity of diatomic species in Rocky Mountains, USA. The level of zinc contamination (background, high, medium and low) and diversity of diatoms (number of species) were recorded from between four and six sampling stations within each of six streams known to be polluted. Does the level of zinc contamination affect the diversity of diatom species in the Rocky Mountains?

Reference: Medley, C. N. and Clements, W. H. (1998) Reponses of diatom communities to heavy metals in streams: The influence of longitudinal variation. Ecological Applications, Vol 8, No. 3, pp631–644.

ANOVA compared to the two-sample t-test

In Chapter 13 we carried out a two-sample t-test on the SIRDS data. We assumed equal variance.

ttest <- t.test(survived, died, var.equal = TRUE)

	Two Sample t-test

data:  survived and died
t = 2.0929, df = 24, p-value = 0.04711
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.007461898 1.071228578
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2.267917  1.728571 
  • The t value is 2.0929.
  • The degrees of freedom for this test are 24 (n_1 + n_2 -2 = 12 + 14 - 2).
  • The p-value for the test of difference in two means was 0.04711.
  • We assumed that the two populations that the samples were from had the same variance.
  • A 95% confidence interval for a difference in means is (0.00746, 1.0712).

Next we run Bartlett’s test for equality of variance.

survived <- c(1.130,1.680,1.930,2.090,2.700,3.160,3.640,1.410,1.720,2.200,2.550,3.005)
died <- c(1.050,1.230,1.500,1.720,1.770,2.500,1.100,1.225,1.295,1.550,1.890,2.200,2.440,2.730)
Status <- c(rep(c("Survived"), 12), rep(c("Died"), 14))
Weight <- c(survived, died)
sirds <- data.frame(Status, Weight)
tapply(sirds$Weight, sirds$Status, mean)
    Died Survived 
1.728571 2.267917 
tapply(sirds$Weight, sirds$Status, sd)
     Died  Survived 
0.5535912 0.7576982 
t.test(Weight ~ Status, var.equal = TRUE) #Another way of performing t-test, using a model formula.

	Two Sample t-test

data:  Weight by Status
t = -2.093, df = 24, p-value = 0.0471
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Died and group Survived is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -1.0712286 -0.0074619
sample estimates:
    mean in group Died mean in group Survived 
               1.72857                2.26792 
bartlett.test(Weight ~ Status, data = sirds)  
Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances data: 
Weight by Status Bartlett's K-squared = 1.1277, df = 1, p-value = 0.2883

Have a careful look at the above R script and output. The variances for the died and  survived groups are respectively 0.5536 and 0.7577. These do not appear to be different. The Bartlett’s test gives a p-value = 0.2883. The null hypothesis of the test is that the variances are not different, and the alternative hypothesis is that they are. Based on this test we conclude that the variances are not different, so the equal variance assumption is satisfied.


Reporting on the SIRDS analysis

Reporting on statistical analysis is an important skill. Below we present an example report on the SIRDS analysis.


We used a two independent samples t-test (two sided) assuming equal variance to determine whether there was evidence of a difference in birth weight between SIRDS infants that survived and SIRDS infants that died. We used a 5% significance level and presented a 95% confidence interval for difference in true population means.


There was a statistically significant difference between the mean weight of children who survived and those who died in terms of birth weight (p-value = 0.04711) estimated difference in means 0.53935 kg (survived-died) with a 95% confidence interval (0.00746, 1.72857). Bartlett’s test (p-value = 0.2883)  indicated that the equal variance assumption is not violated.


Based on the analysis we conclude there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate a statistically significant difference in mean birth weights of surviving and dead SIRDS infants. The surviving infants have a higher mean birth weight.


Before we discuss the details of the procedure, we will perform an ANOVA analysis on the SIRDS data in R.

sirds.anova <- aov(Weight ~ Status, data = sirds)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
Status       1   1.88  1.8796    4.38 0.0471 *
Residuals   24  10.30  0.4291                 

Note that the output looks different, but the p-value is the same.

So what is ANOVA?

ANOVA is a powerful technique for  comparing the means of  two or more populations. The different populations in ANOVA can be defined by one or more factors (i.e. categorical explanatory variables).  ANOVA tests for the effect of these factors on the response variable.

Consider the zinc data set of Medley and Clements (1998) in Example 14.3. How do we assess whether there is difference in group means?

Boxplot of biodiversity by zinc levels. Four box plots are labelled 'Back', 'Low', 'Med' and 'High' on the horizontal 'Zinc' axis. The vertical axis is 'Diversity'. The first three box plots are at similar levels on the vertical axis with a median around 2, but the 'High' box plot is lower on the vertical axis, with a median around 1.3, the maximum value of the box sitting at about 1.5, lower than the minimum value of any of the other boxes. Low and High have the largest ranges.
Boxplot of biodiversity by zinc levels.


The boxplot above shows that HIGH zinc level has lower mean diversity compared with the other levels. Given that there is no overlap of the boxplot for HIGH with the other levels, this difference seems to be  significant.

How do we  assess difference between the groups statistically? We partition each individual measurement into components, as illustrated in the figure below.

Partitioning group data into components for ANOVA. A graph with the horizontal axis labelled 'Group' and the vertical 'Response'. Three horizontal lines, from highest to lowest are labelled 'Observed value', 'Group mean' and 'Grand mean'. The distance between the top and centre lines is labelled "Observed value - group mean" and the distance between the lower line and the centre line is labelled "group mean - grand mean".
Partitioning group data into components for ANOVA.

Every observation can be expressed as

observed value = grand mean + (group mean – grand mean) + (observed value – group mean)

We assess whether there is evidence of a difference in groups by looking at these differences between groups and within groups. 

The data for ANOVA is as below.

Population (mean, variance) Sample (responses) Mean

    \[y_{11}, y_{12}, \ldots, y_{1n_1}\]

    \[\overline y_1\]


    \[y_{21}, y_{22}, \ldots, y_{2n_2}\]

    \[\overline y_2\]





    \[y_{k1}, y_{k2}, \ldots, y_{kn_k}\]

    \[\overline y_k\]

We define the grand mean, denoted \bar y, as the mean of all the data (irrespective of which sample they come from). The total number of observations is denoted n where

    \[n=n_1+n_2+\ldots +n_k.\]

Assumptions of ANOVA

These assumptions are the same as that for the two independent samples t-test.

  1. Each sample is from a normally distributed population.
  2. The observations within each sample are independent, and each sample is independent of the other samples.
  3. The populations have a common variance (homoscedacity), that is, 

    \[\sigma_1^2 = \sigma_2^2 = \ldots = \sigma_k^2 = \sigma^2.\]

14.2 Hypotheses

H_0: \mu_1=\mu_2=\dots=\mu_k  (The k population means are equal).
H_1: Not all the means are equal or H_0 is false.

Evidence for H_1 (that is, against H_0) will be provided by a substantial degree of variability (difference) between the sample means.

14.3 Model equation

Similar to the two independent samples model, the data for ANOVA are:

  1. Explanatory (or independent variable) which is categorical: i=1,2, \ldots, k, represents population i from which the sample is taken.
  2. Response (or dependent variable) which is continuous: y_{ij} represents observation j from sample i, where i=1,2,\ldots,k is the group/population number and j=1,2, \ldots n_i.

The model equation is

Model Equation

    \[Y_{ij} = \mu_i + \epsilon_{ij},\]

where \epsilon_{ij} is the random variation (or error) term and \mu_i is the mean of group i. The model equation simply states that group i has mean \mu_i.

14.4 Partitioning the sum of squares

We express the observations as

    \[Y_{ij}= \underbrace{\bar Y}_{\mbox{grand mean}} + \underbrace{(\bar Y_i - \bar Y)}_{\mbox{deviation of sample $i$}} + \underbrace{(Y_{ij} - \bar Y_i)}_{\mbox{residual}}\]

If H_0 is correct then (\bar Y_i - \bar Y), and hence (\bar Y_i - \bar Y)^2, should be quite close to zero for each sample. It can be shown that

    \begin{eqnarray*} \underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} (Y_{ij} - \bar Y)^2}_{\mbox{Total SS}} &=& \underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^k n_i (\bar Y_i - \bar Y)^2}_{\mbox{Factor (Treatment) SS}}\\ & & ~~~~~~~~~+ \underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} (Y_{ij} - \bar Y_i)^2}_{\mbox{Residual (Error) SS}} \end{eqnarray*}

where SS is an abbreviation for `sum of squares’.

Treatment SS

    \[SS_{ttt}=\sum_{i=1}^k n_i (\bar Y_i - \bar Y)^2\]

Treatment SS (also called Between SS, denoted SSB) measures variation between the groups.

If H_0 is true, then all the group means should be close to each other, and also close to the grand mean \bar{Y}; this will cause SSB to be small.

Residual SS

    \begin{align*} SS_{Res}&=\sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{j=1}^{n_i} (Y_{ij} - \bar Y_i)^2\\ &= \sum_{i=1}^k (n_i-1)\left[\frac{1}{n_1-1}\sum_{j=1}^{n_i}(Y_{ij} - \bar Y_i)^2\right]\\ &= \sum_{i=1}^k (n_i-1) s_i^2. \end{align*}

Residual SS (also called Within SS, denoted SSW) measures variation within the groups.

Total SS

    \[SS_{tot}=\sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} (Y_{ij} - \bar Y)^2\]

Total SS measures the total variation in the data.

If H_0 is true, then the variation between groups is small, and the total variation is largely explained by the variation within the groups. Thus the ratio \frac{SS_{ttt}}{SS_{Res}} would be small. But SS_{ttt} is based on only k observations while SS_{Tot} is based on n. So first we divide each by its degrees of freedom to compute the Mean SS.

The computations can be set up as a table.

14.5 The ANOVA Table

Source df SS MS F
Treatment k-1 SS_{ttt}

    \[MS_{ttt} = \frac{SS_{ttt}}{k-1}\]

    \[\frac{MS_{ttt}}{MS_{Res}} \sim F_{k-1, n-k}\]

Residual n-k SS_{Res}

    \[MS_{Res} = \frac{SS_{Res}}{n-k}\]

Total n-1 SS_{Tot}

Hypothesis test

If the populations truly have different means (i.e. if the factor has a real effect on the responses) then the Factor MS should be relatively large compared to the Error MS. Hence, an appropriate test statistic is

    \[F = \frac{MS_{ttt}}{MS_{Res}}\]

with extreme positive values of F providing evidence against H_0.

Under the assumption that H_0 is correct, F has an F-distribution with (k-1, n-k) degrees of freedom. The P-value for an observed value f of the F-statistic is

    \[P = P(F \ge f)\]

where F has the F has an F_{k-1,n-k} distribution.

Plot of the F(6,45) distribution, with the upper tail probability of 0.05 shaded, corresponding to an F-value of 2.31. The graph is a curve that starts at the point (0,0), goes up to a y-value just below 0.8 at about x = 0.3, then goes down to the x-axis as a horizontal asymptote and x goes to infinity.
Plot of the F(6,45) distribution, with the upper tail probability of 0.05 shaded.

Example 14.4

An orange juice company has four machines that fill two-litre plastic containers with juice. In order to determine if the mean volume filled by these machines is the same, the quality control manager collects a random sample of 19 containers filled by different machines and measures their volumes. The data obtained is given below, along with some summary statistics. What should the manager conclude? Use \alpha=0.01. What are the implications of your findings?

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4
2.05 1.99 1.97 2.00
2.01 2.02 1.98 2.02
2.02 2.01 1.97 1.99
2.04 1.99 1.95 2.01
2.00 2.00

Means: \overline y_1  = 2.0200, \overline y_2 = 2.0020, \overline y_3 = 1.9675, \overline y_4 = 2.0050

Grand mean \overline y = 2.001053

Standard deviation: s_1 = 0.02097618, s_2 = 0.01303840, S_3 = 0.01258306, s_4 = 0.01290994

Sample size: n_1 = 6, n_2 = 5, n_3 = 4, n_4 = 4


First we explore the data. A scatterplot of the data is given below. The scatterplot shows that Machine 3 seems to produce the lowest volumes, while Machine 1 produces the highest. Machines 2 and 4 show no apparent difference in volumes. The spread of volumes appears to be equal for all the machines. The above observations are confirmed by the summary statistics given in the table.

Scatter plot of Juice data by machine. The y-axis is labelled "Volume" and the x-axis is labelled "Machine". The plot shows points vertically aligned corresponding to the volumes for machines 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Scatter plot of Juice data by machine.

The R code for the scatterplot and some summary statistics is given below.

orange<-read.table("orange.txt", header=T, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = T)
> summary(orange)
    Machine          Volume     
 Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.950  
 1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:1.990  
 Median :2.000   Median :2.000  
 Mean   :2.316   Mean   :2.001  
 3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:2.015  
 Max.   :4.000   Max.   :2.050  
> with(orange, tapply(Volume, Machine, mean))
     1      2      3      4 
2.0200 2.0020 1.9675 2.0050 
> with(orange, tapply(Volume, Machine, sd))
         1          2          3          4 
0.02097618 0.01303840 0.01258306 0.01290994 
> mean(orange$Volume)
[1] 2.001053
> plot(orange$Volume ~ orange$Machine, xlab = "Machine", ylab = "Volume")

Let \mu_i be the mean volume of juice from machine i, i = 1,2,3,4. The hypotheses of interest are:

    \begin{align*} H_0:&\ \mu_1=\mu_2=\mu_3=\mu_4\\ H_1:&\ \text{The mean juice volume is not the same for all machines, {\bf or\ }} H_0 \text{ is false.} \end{align*}

The calculations for the sums of square are given below.

    \begin{align*} SS_{ttt} &= \sum_{i=}^4 n_i\left(\overline y_i - \overline y\right)^2\\ &= 6\left(2.02-2.001053\right)^2 + 5\left(2.0020-2.001053\right)^2 + 4\left(1.9675-2.001053\right)^2\\ & \quad +4\left(2.0050-2.001053\right)^2 = 0.010579.\\ SS_{Res} &= \sum_{i=1}^4 (n_i-1) s_i^2\\ &= 5(0.02097618)^2 +4(0.01303840)^2 + 3(0.01258306)^2 + 3(0.01290994)^2\\ &= 0.003503. \end{align*}

Based on these, the ANOVA table can be constructed. We give the corresponding table from R.

orange.anova<-aov(Volume~Machine, data=orange)
                Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
factor(Machine)  3 0.006724 0.002241   8.721 0.00137 **
Residuals       15 0.003855 0.000257
Total           18 0.010579

p-value = P(F > 8.721) = 0.000257 << 0.01, where F \sim F_{3,15}.

Note that Machine is a character variable. Since p-value < 0.01, the data provides sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis (\alpha = 0.01). We conclude, based on this analysis, that the mean volume filled by the four machines are not all the same. Based on the data exploration, it seems that machine 3 has the lowest mean volume and should be adjusted.

Question Can we determine the differences in means between the four machines in some more accurate and formal way ?

Example 14.5 

Complete the ANOVA table below.

Source df SS MS F
Treatment 627.12 20.1
Residual 10.4
Total 40


(a) How many groups are there in the analysis?

(b) How many observations were taken in total?

(c) State the hypotheses being tested here.

(d) Perform the hypothesis test and state your conclusion.


The F ratio is

    \[F = \frac{MS_{ttt}}{MS_{Res}} \Rightarrow 20.1 =  \frac{MS_{ttt}}{10.4} \Rightarrow MS_{ttt} = 10.4 \times 20.1 = 209.04.\]


    \[MS_{ttt} = \frac{SS_{ttt}}{k-1} \Rightarrow 209.04 = \frac{627.12}{k-1} \Rightarrow k-1 = \frac{627.12}{209.04} = 3.\]

By difference the degrees of freedom for SS_{Res} is n-k = 37. Then

    \[SS_{Res} = MS_{Res} \times (n-k) = 10.4 \times 37 = 384.8.\]


    \[SST = 627.12 + 384.8 = 1011.92.\]

The completed Anova table is given below.

Source df SS MS F
Treatment 3 627.12 209.04 20.1
Residual 37 384.8 10.4
Total 40 1011.92


(a) The degrees of freedom Between is k-1 = 3, so k=4. There are 4 groups in the  data.

(b) The total degrees of freedom is n-1 = 40, so the sample size is n = 41.

(c) The hypotheses are

    \[H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \mu_3 = \mu_4 \quad H_1: H_0 {\rm \ is\ false.}\]

(c) The F ratio is 20.1, which has degrees 3 and 37. so the p-value is

pf(20.1, 3, 37, lower.tail = F)

Since p-value = 6.75 \times 10^{-8} << 0.05, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. We conclude that the four means are not all equal.

14.6 Model Assumptions

The three assumptions of the ANOVA model need to be checked. The model for the data is


where Y_{ij} = jth observation in group i; \mu_i = mean of group i; and \epsilon_{ij} = error or random variation.

Model assumptions for ANOVA. The plot shows three normal curves, with different means but the same spread. For the centre curve, a vertical line at the centre of the curve indicates the mean and the distance from the mean to a point on the curve is the error.
Model assumptions for ANOVA.

That is, for each group or population i has a different mean \mu_i.

Error terms

Now E(Y_{ij}) = \mu_i so

    \[E(\epsilon_{ij}) = E(Y_{ij}-\mu_i)=0 \quad \text{since\ } E(Y-\mu) =0,\]

so the error terms have mean 0. Further,

    \[Var(\epsilon_{ij}) = Var(Y_{ij}-\mu_i)=Var(Y_{ij})= \sigma^2.\]

Now fitted value corresponding to observation y_{ij} is

    \[\hat y_{ij} =\overline y_i = {\rm\ estimate\ of\ } \mu_i,\]

and the residuals r_{ij} are defined as

    \[r_{ij} = {\rm observed\ value\ } - {\rm\ fitted\ value\ } =y_{ij} - \hat y_{ij}.\]

The residuals and fitted values are automatically calculated in R.

The model assumptions are:

  1. The error terms are normally distributed.
  2. The error has constant (or homogeneous) variance (or homoscedacity).
  3. The error terms are independent.

These can be simply expresses as

    \[\epsilon_{ij} \stackrel{\text{iid}}{\sim}\; \text{N}(0,\,\sigma^2)\]

Model assumption: Normality of error terms

We can verify this assumption using two tools.

  1. Plot a histogram of the residuals. If the plot is not too far from that expected for a normal distribution, then there is no reason to doubt the normality assumption.
  2. Normal probability (Q-Q) plot. This should resemble a straight line. Unless large departures from straightness is observed there is no reason to doubt the normality assumption.

The graphs below illustrate the common patterns in the residual plots and the related issues with normality.

Typical residual plots and conclusions. The plot shows four histograms with four corresponding normal probability plots. (a) The first plot shows a histogram corresponding to a normal distribution. The corresponding normal probability plot shows points largely around a straight line. (b) The histogram in this plot is right-skewed. The normal probability plot shows points that lie along a concave up curve (similar to a parabola). (c) The histogram is left-skewed. The normal probability plot shows point along a concave down curve (similar to an inverted parabola). (d) The histogram shows a cliff on the right hand side. The normal probability plot follows a straight line, but at the top end it flattens off.

Model assumption: Constant variance of error terms

This assumption is verified by examining the plot of residuals against fitted values. If there is no change in spread in the plot, then there is no reason to doubt the constant variance assumption. In particular, look for “fanning” inwards or outwards. The graphs below illustrate this.

Constant variance assumption. The scatter plot shows points along four vertical lines. The four sets of points have similar spreads, indicating equal variance.
Constant variance assumption.
Fanning in. The scatter plot shows points along four vertical lines. The spread of the points decreases from right to left, with the left most set of points with the largest spread.
Fanning in.
Fanning out. The plot shows points along four vertical lines, with the left most having the least spread, the spread increasing with the right most set of points with the largest spread.
Fanning out.

In addition, we can perform formal tests for homogeneous variance. One such procedure is Bartlett’s test. The null hypothesis for the test is

    \[H_0: \sigma_1^2 = \sigma_2^2 = \ldots = \sigma_k^2\]

The alternative hypothesis is

    \[H_1:  {\rm \The\ population\ variances\ are\ not\ all\ equal.}\]

We use the p-value to test these hypotheses in the usual way.

Alternatively, as for the two independent sample case, if the ratio of the largest and smallest variances is not more than 2 then the equal variance assumption is not violated.

Model assumptions: Independence of error terms

This cannot be easily checked. There are methods that we do not cover in this course. In the methods and data that we see in this course the independence assumption will not be an issue.

Example 14.6 

The figure below shows a histogram of residuals and scatterplot of residuals against fitted values for Example 14.4. Verify the  assumptions of ANOVA using the output.

Diagnostic plots for Example 14.4. The histogram shows a reasonably symmetric distribution. The residual scatter plot shows that the different groups have fairly equal spreads.
Diagnostic plots for Example 14.4.
bartlett.test(Volume~factor(Machine), data=orange)

	Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

data:  Volume by factor(Machine)
Bartlett's K-squared = 1.5376, df = 3, p-value = 0.6736


Normality The histogram of residuals looks fairly symmetrical and not unlike that expected for a normal distribution. We conclude there is no evidence against normality.The p-value is large, so we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the variances of the four machines are equal.

Equal variance No marked change in spread is observed in the plot of residuals against fitted values. Also,

    \[\frac{\sigma^2_{max}}{\sigma^2_{min}} = \frac{0.020976}{0.012583} = 1.667 < 2.\]

Further, Bartlett’s test of homogeneity gives  p-value =0.6736 > 0.05, so we conclude the constant variance assumption is not violated.

Note The ratio of variances is not always reliable—especially when based on small sample sizes.

14.7 Estimate of \sigma^2

\sigma^2 = {\rm Var}(\epsilon_{ij}), so the estimate of \sigma^2 is the variance of the observed residuals e_{ij}.


    \[\sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \left[\hat{e}_{ij}\right]^2 = \sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} (y_{ij}-\bar{y}_i)^2 = SS_{Res},\]


    \[s^2 = \frac{SS_{Res}}{df} = MS_{Res} = \text{Pooled\ variance}.\]

For the  Example 14.4, s^2=0.000257. (Simply look up the MS_{Res} in the ANOVA table.)

14.8 Confidence intervals

14.8.1 CI for a Difference of Means

This is very similar to the two independent sample case:

    \[100(1-\alpha)\% \, \text{CL for} \, \mu_1-\mu_2 = (\bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}) \pm t_{n-k}^{\alpha/2} \, s \sqrt{\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_2}},\]


    \[s = \sqrt{\text{pooled variance}}\]

    \[n-k = {\rm \ degrees\ of\ freedom\ for\ residual\ SS.}\]

Note The degrees of freedom for the t-distribution again corresponds to the denominator of the estimate for the standard deviation, in this case n-k, where n= total sample size and k= number of groups (populations). For the two sample case, this was n_1+ n_2-2= n -2 where (n = n_1+n_2).

Example 14.7

For the Example 15.4,

    \begin{align*} 95\% \, \text{CI for} \, \mu_1-\mu_2 &= (2.0200-2.002) \pm t_{15}^{0.025} \sqrt{0.000257} \sqrt{\tfrac{1}{6}+\tfrac{1}{5}} \\ &= 0.018 \pm 0.00803\\ &= (0.009967, 0.026033)\ {\rm litre.} \end{align*}

14.8.2 CI for a single mean

ALL confidence intervals are based on the estimate of the variance, s^2, and its corresponding degrees of freedom. Thus

    \[100(1-\alpha)\%\, \text{CL for}\, \mu_1 = \bar{x_1} \pm t_{n-k}^{\alpha/2} \dfrac{s}{\sqrt{n_1}}.\]

Example 14.8

For Example 15.4,

    \begin{align*} 95\%\, \text{CI for} \, \mu_1 &= 2.0200 \pm t_{15}^{0.025} \sqrt{\dfrac{0.000257}{6}} \\ &= 2.0200 \pm 0.0.0054157 \end{align*}

\therefore 95% CI for \mu_1 = (2.01458, 2.02542)\ {\rm litre}.

14.9 Multiple comparisons

If the ANOVA indicates that the means are not all equal, then we want to identify the differences. That is, we want to identify which means are not equal.

Examining pairwise differences is not the most robust method, and the probability of Type I error increases for such pairwise comparisons. Note that at the 5% level of significance, on average we will reject a true null hypothesis once in every 20 pairwise comparisons. For k groups, the number of pairwise comparisons is

    \[\binom{k}{2} = \frac{k!}{(k-2)!\ 2!}.\]

For k=4 this is 6, and for k=10 this comes to 45.

More robust methods adjust for this decrease in robustness. These include Bonferroni correction and Tukey-Kramer procedure.

We will use the Tukey-Kramer procedure. This is conducted in R. The output compares means pairwise, and gives a p-value indicating if the means are the same or not. Since we are now performing multiple comparisons, the procedure adjusts for this, keeping the overall probability of Type I Error still at the specified significance level.

Example 14.9

Family transport costs are usually higher than most people believe because those costs include car loans or lease payments, insurance, fuel, repairs, parking and public transportation. Twenty randomly selected families in four major cities were asked to use their records to estimate a monthly figure for transport costs. Use the data obtained to test whether there is a significant difference in monthly transport costs for families living in these cities, and identify the differences if any.

Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth
$650 $250 $350 $240
$680 $525 $400 $475
$550 $300 $450 $475
$600 $175 $580 $450
$675 $500 $600 $500


The R output is given below.

> #Example 14.9
> eg14.9<-read.table("Eg14.9.txt",header=T,sep="\t")
> eg14.9$City = substr(eg14.9$City,1,3) #Shorten city names to three letters
> eg14.9.anova<-aov(Expense~City,data=eg14.9)
> summary(eg14.9.anova)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)   
City         3 212830   70943    5.66 0.0077 **
Residuals   16 200570   12536                  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> with(eg14.9, aggregate(Expense ~ City, FUN =  function(x) c(Mean = mean(x), SD = sd(x))))
  City Expense.Mean Expense.SD
1  Bri     476.0000   110.1363
2  Mel     350.0000   155.1209
3  Per     423.0000   104.3791
4  Syd     631.0000    55.2721
> TukeyHSD(eg14.9.anova, conf.level = 0.95)
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = Expense ~ City, data = eg14.9)

        diff        lwr      upr    p adj
Mel-Bri -126 -328.59273  76.5927 0.318396
Per-Bri  -53 -255.59273 149.5927 0.875984
Syd-Bri  155  -47.59273 357.5927 0.168533
Per-Mel   73 -129.59273 275.5927 0.734269
Syd-Mel  281   78.40727 483.5927 0.005465
Syd-Per  208    5.40727 410.5927 0.043161

> colours <- c(rep("black", 4), "red","red")
> plot(TukeyHSD(eg14.9.anova, conf.level=.95), las = 2, col = colours)
Plot of the differences in means, based on Kramer-Tukey multiple comparisons. The x-axis is labelled "Difference in mean level between cities" and the y-axis is labelled as pair-wise differences between cities, such as Syd-Perth and so on. A vertical line marks the zero point. The confidence intervals for differences in means is plotted as horizontal lines. The confidence intervals for the difference between means for Syd and Perth, and Syd and Melbourne lie above zero. The other interval all straddle zero. 

Plot of the differences in means, based on Kramer-Tukey multiple comparisons.We can see from the output that at the 5% level of significance the mean for Sydney is higher than that for Melbourne and that for Perth. No other pairs of means are significantly different.

14.10 Summary

  1. Understand the data structure for ANOVA.
  2. State the hypothesis of interest for ANOVA.
  3. Understand the structure of the ANOVA table.
  4. Test the hypotheses and state conclusions.
  5. Know and verify the assumptions of ANOVA.
  6. Estimate the common variance using MS Res (the pooled variance).
  7. Calculate confidence intervals for difference of two means and for a single mean.
  8. Perform and interpret multiple comparisons using Tukey-Kramer procedure based on R output.


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Statistics: Meaning from data Copyright © 2024 by Dr Nazim Khan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.