Versioning History

This page provides a record of changes made to this book. Each set of edits is acknowledged with a 0.1 increase in the version number. The exported/downloadable files for this book reflect the most recent version.

Version Date Change Details
1.0 28 February 2023 Front matter and first four chapters published in accordance with OER Collective grant timeline requirements.  

Chapter 1: What can statistics do for us?

Chapter 2: If I apply statistical thinking all the time then why do I find it difficult?

Chapter 3: Big ideas in statistics

Chapter 4: Data is/are


2.0 15 August 2024 Five additional chapters published in August 2024.  

Chapter 5: Aggregation

Chapter 6: Modelling variations

Chapter 7: The general linear model

Chapter 8: Putting it all together

Chapter 9: Beyond research and statistics



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A Contemporary Approach to Research and Statistics in Psychology Copyright © 2023 by Klaire Somoray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.