
41 Introduction – Accessible Content Appendix

This page shares text accessible versions of different interactive elements in the Introduction. This includes transcripts for any audio-visual material such as vodcasts and videos that formed part of the introductory materials.

“Reading” this textbook with purpose: Play-based teaching approaches. Vodcast content and transcript

Introductory information on screen

The short vodcast begins with a Deakin University logo appearing on screen. Followed by the below Acknowledgement of Country:

We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first sovereign people of this land. As a community of educators we recognise with deep respect their continuing connections to lands, waters, knowledges and cultures. In doing so we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

An animated title screen appears reading:


Narrated content

The vodcast then has a single narrator sharing with you the following advice:

Hello and welcome.  We are delighted that you’ve picked up this book and we hope there are going to be some insights into the play-based classroom. As well as some teaching tips and perhaps some insights into how play-based learning can support you as a teacher, in particular in the area of assessment.

You will no doubt note that as you go through this text, there are in fact many times that you are asked to perhaps watch something, or listen to a podcast, or click on some hotspots in an interactive. We encourage you to immerse yourself in the different actions and activities that are part of enjoying this textbook. We hope that as you move through the content, or perhaps focus on a chapter that is of most interest to you, you will be able to make the most of those opportunities to reflect on your learning, write down an example, or record a thought, to solidify some of the understandings that really are emerging for you.

We hope that the interactive elements of the book in fact privilege you as a reader – by giving you different ways of thinking about the play-based environment, as well as different viewpoints.

So enjoy!

The vodcast then finishes with a fade to black screen.


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Play-based teaching approaches Copyright © 2025 by Deakin University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.