
21 References and resources recap

Chapter 2 – References

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Chapter 2 – Digital artefacts (videos, podcasts, interactives) reference details

David, N. & Fennelly, S. (Producers). (2022). Title of Chapter 2 intro to content – Title here [Video podcast]. In Play-based teaching approaches: Assessing learning through play series. Deakin University. URL for this

Morrisey, A.M & Morrisey, D. (2002). HITS 1: Setting Goals, HITS 2: Structuring lessons, HITS 3: Explicit teaching, HITS 4: Worked example, HITS 5: Collaborative learning, HITS 6: Multiple Exposures, HITS 7: Questioning, and HITS 9: Metacognitive strategies videos. In Cain, K., Bass, C, David, N. & Fennelly, S. (Producers) Interactive HITS video experiences interactive. URL for this

Robertson, R., David, N., and Cain, K. (Producers) (2021). Making connections: HITS strategies and play-based learning. Deakin.

David, N., Cain, K. & Fennelly, S. (Producers). (2022). title. Deakin University. URL for this

Robertson, N. & Paatsch, L. (Hosts). Bass, C., Fennelly, S., & David, N. (Producers) (2022). Title of this video or podcast here. Deakin University. URL here.


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