H5P activities list
This book includes 46 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
1 | Attack | Image Slider | |
2 | Scratch Collatz Conjecture | Iframe Embedder | |
3 | Scratch | Image Slider | |
4 | Scratch notation and terminology | Question Set | |
5 | SIT176 3.2 Interpreting graphs | Image Slider | |
6 | 3.3 Are graphs just pictures (golf) | Image Slider | |
7 | 3.2 Are graphs just pictures (roller coaster/sports) | Image Slider | |
8 | SIT176 3.4 Graphs | Image Slider | |
9 | SIT176 3.5 Sketching graphs from pictures | Image Slider | |
10 | SIT176 3.6 Gradients | Image Slider | |
11 | SIT176 Week 3 Checklist | Question Set | |
12 | Scratch Progression | Iframe Embedder | |
13 | R progressions | Iframe Embedder | |
14 | Sums of progression - handshake problem | Iframe Embedder | |
15 | Exponential curve | Iframe Embedder | |
16 | Fractional geometric professionals | Iframe Embedder | |
17 | Summing geometric progressions | Iframe Embedder | |
18 | Week 4 Checklist | Question Set | |
19 | Week 5 Checklist | Question Set | |
20 | Volume | Documentation Tool | |