Review Statement

Southern Cross University is committed to publishing high-quality open textbooks which meet the needs of students and educators. This book has been peer-reviewed by one academic subject expert from Universal Business School (UBSS). The full-text was openly reviewed by the reviewer.

The review was structured around considerations of the intended audience of the book and examined the comprehensiveness, accuracy, and relevance of the content. The review was also focused on diversity of perspectives, longevity, clarity, consistency and structure.

The author would like to thank the reviewer for the time, care, and commitment they contributed to the project. We recognise that peer reviewing is a generous act of service on their part. This book would not be the robust, valuable resource that it is were it not for their feedback and input.

Reviewers included:

  • Dr Cyril Jankoff EdD, MBA, Grad Dip Tax, BBus (Accy), LLB, Dip Contract Mgt, Cert IV TAE, Fellow CFS, Fellow CPA, Fellow AIMWA, Fellow IML, Fellow World CC and SRME. Associate Professor at Universal Business School of Sydney


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Introduction to business law in Papua New Guinea Copyright © 2024 by Southern Cross University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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