
H5P activities list

This book includes 155 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
41Ch 2.13 'Only if'Multiple Choice
42Ch 2.14 'Unless'Multiple Choice
43Ch 2.15 Forms using generalisations 1Multiple Choice
44Ch 2.16 Forms using generalisations 2Multiple Choice
45Ch 2.17 Forms using generalisations 3Multiple Choice
46Ch 2.18 Is this fallacy of affirming the consequent?Multiple Choice
47Ch 2.19 Fallacy of affirming the consequent?Multiple Choice
48Ch 2.20 Fallacy of denying the antecedent?Multiple Choice
49Ch 2.21 Inclusive and exclusive orMultiple Choice
50Ch 2.22 Is the argument sound?Multiple Choice
51Ch 2.23 Is the argument sound?Multiple Choice
522.1 Definition of validityMultiple Choice
532.2 What can a valid argument have?Multiple Choice
542.3 What can an invalid argument have?Multiple Choice
552.4 Definition of sound argumentMultiple Choice
562.5 Is it valid? CensusMultiple Choice
572.6 Valid? VegetariansMultiple Choice
582.7 Valid? All BlacksMultiple Choice
592.8 Valid? Flying pigsMultiple Choice
602.9 Valid? Flying elephantsMultiple Choice
1 2 3 4 5 8