
Accessibility Information

We believe that education should be available to everyone, which means supporting the creation of free, open, and accessible educational resources. We are actively committed to increasing the accessibility and usability of the textbooks and resources we produce. Below is a short accessibility assessment of eight key areas that have been assessed during the production process of this text.

While we strive to ensure that this resource is as accessible and usable as possible, we might not always get it right. We are always looking for ways to make our resources more accessible. If you have problems accessing this resource, please contact us to let us know so we can fix the issue.

Category Item Status
(Y / N)
Organising Content Content is organised under headings and subheadings Y
Organising Content Headings and subheadings are used sequentially (e.g. Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) Y
Images Images that convey information include Alternative Text (alt-text) descriptions of the image’s content or function Y
Images Graphs, charts, and maps also include contextual or supporting details in the text surrounding the image Y
Images Images, diagrams, or charts do not rely only on colour to convey important information Y
Images Images that are purely decorative contain empty alternative text descriptions. (Descriptive text is unnecessary if the image doesn’t convey contextual content information) Y
Tables Tables include column headers, and row headers where appropriate Y
Tables Tables include a title or caption Y
Tables Tables do not have merged or split cells N
Tables Tables have adequate cell padding Y
Weblinks The weblink is meaningful in context, and does not use generic text such as “click here” or “read more” Y
Weblinks Externals weblinks open in a new tab. Internal weblink do not open in a new tab. Y
Weblinks If a link will open or download a file (like a PDF or Excel file), a textual reference is included in the link information (e.g. ‘[PDF]’). N/A
Embedded Multimedia A transcript has been made available for a multimedia resource that includes audio narration or instruction N/A
Embedded Multimedia Captions of all speech content and relevant non-speech content are included in the multimedia resource that includes audio synchronized with a video presentation N/A
Embedded Multimedia Audio descriptions of contextual visuals (graphs, charts, etc.) are included in the multimedia resource N/A
Formulas Formulas have been created using MathML N/A
Formulas Formulas are images with alternative text descriptions, if MathML is not an option N/A
Font Size Font size is 12 point or higher for body text Y
Font Size Font size is 9 point for footnotes or endnotes Y
Font Size Font size can be zoomed to 200% N


Copyright note: This accessibility checklist is adapted from USQ’s Accessibility Assessment , and licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence.