


Term used for study findings that are linked to reality and lived experiences.

Critical appraisal

Process for judging the quality of a research paper. https://latrobe.libguides.com/criticalappraisal

Gold standard

Benchmark for best practice.

Grey literature

Literature produced by informed expert bodies but not published by an external publisher. https://latrobe.libguides.com/greyliteraturehealth


Use of statistical methods to combine data from studies included in a systematic review. https://latrobe.libguides.com/systematicreviews

Mixed methods reviews

Review that integrates both qualitative and quantitative studies.

Narrative summary

Written summary of study findings.


Review that includes existing reviews on topic only.

Peer-reviewed literature

Journal articles that have been evaluated by independent expert.


Detailed plan for study, or review, to be undertaken.

Purposive specific review

Review that has been tailored to address a specific purpose, such as scoping reviews, which aim to identify scope of research published on a topic.

Qualitative reviews

Review that integrates findings from a number of qualitative studies. Sometimes called meta-synthesis.

Rapid reviews

Review that uses simplified processes of systemic review (or omits steps) to answer question in short period.


Term used to describe processes to ensure transparent application of study methods.

Scoping reviews

Review to identify type and extent of existing research literature on a topic.

systematic reviews

Product of systematic process to synthesise empirical evidence based on pre-specified criteria to answer specific research question

Traditional reviews

Review that provides a summary or overview of literature on a specific topic or question that aims to be comprehensive