Further reading

It is highly recommended that you do at least some further reading on the topics covered in this book. There is no shortage of such reading: there are hundreds of books and other resources to help you improve your writing in law school. The following are just a few.


Grammar and punctuation

  • Michael Meehan and Graham Tulloch, Grammar for Lawyers (LexisNexis Butterworths, 3rd ed, 2013)
  • John Seely, Oxford A–Z of Grammar and Punctuation (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed, 2020)
  • RL Trask, The Penguin Dictionary of English Grammar (Penguin, 2000)
  • Mark Tredinnick, The Little Green Grammar Book (UNSW Press, 2008)

Writing style (general)

  • Wayne C Booth, Gregory G Colomb, Joseph M Williams, Joseph Bizup and William T Fitzgerald, The Craft of Research (Chicago University Press, 4th ed, 2016)
  • Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage (Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed, 2007)
  • Mark Tredinnick, The Little Red Writing Book (UNSW Press, 2006)
  • Kate L Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, revised by Wayne C Booth, Gregory G Colomb, Joseph M Williams, Joseph Bizup and William T Fitzgerald (University of Chicago Press, 9th ed, 2018)

Legal writing

  • Michèle M Asprey, Plain Language for Lawyers (Federation Press, 4th ed, 2010)
  • Paula Baron and Lilian Corbin, Legal Writing: Academic and Professional Communication (Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • Nichola Corbett-Jarvis and Brendan Grigg, Effective Legal Writing: A Practical Guide (LexisNexis, 3rd ed, 2021)
  • Ross Hyams, Susan Campbell and Adrian Evans, Practical Legal Skills (Oxford University Press, 5th ed, 2022) ch 5 ‘Writing and Drafting’
  • Lisa Webley, Legal Writing (Routledge, 4th ed, 2016)

Legal problem-solving

  • R Krever, Mastering Law Studies and Law Exam Techniques (10th ed, 2019)
  • M Brogan and D Spencer, Surviving Law School (2nd ed, 2008) chs 5 and 13
  • B Wolski, Legal Skills: A Practical Guide for Students (2005) ch 3
  • E Campbell, R Fox and M de Zwart, Students’ Guide to Legal Writing, Law Exams and Self Assessment (3rd ed, 2010)

Online resources

Other resources

  • R Finkelstein and D Hamer (eds), LexisNexis Concise Australian Legal Dictionary (LexisNexis, 5th ed, 2014)
  • Trischa Mann (ed), Australian Law Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed, 2017


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