
This book has been written by Dr Steven Tudor and Stephanie Falconer, senior lecturer and associate lecturer, respectively, in the La Trobe Law School. Very valuable contributions were also made by Dr Laura Griffin, Dr Pascale Chifflet, Dr Anita Mackay, Dr Savitri Taylor, Dr Emma Henderson, Heidi Butters-Stabb and Melissa Spain. We would also like to thank Dr Bruce Beswick, Assessment Research Centre, University of Melbourne, for his advice and input. The authors remain responsible for the content of this book.

This book also incorporates material from earlier guides written for La Trobe Law School students. Steven Tudor was the lead author of those earlier guides, with many contributions from numerous La Trobe Law School staff.


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A Guide to Writing in Law School Copyright © 2024 by La Trobe University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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