5. Recommended Further Reading
Bonython, Wendy, ‘Tort Law and Climate Change’ (2021) 40(3) University of Queensland Law Journal 421
Emmanouil, Nia, Tina Popa and Anne Kallies, ‘Climate Change Litigation in Private Nuisance: Can It Address Harms Sustained by Traditional Owners in the Torres Strait?’ (2021) 47(3) Monash University Law Review 142
Kysar, Douglas A, ‘The Duty of Climate Care’ (2024) 73(2) DePaul Law Review 487
Popa, Tina et al, ‘Do Emerging Trends in Climate Litigation Signal a Potential Cause of Action in Negligence Against Corporations by the Australian Public?’ (2022) 12 Climate Law 185
Preston, Brian J, ‘Climate Change Litigation (Part 1)’ (2011) 5(1) Carbon & Climate Law Review 3
Sharma v Minister for the Environment (Cth) (2021) 391 ALR 1
Minister for the Environment v Sharma (2022) 291 FCR 311
Explanatory Memorandum, Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023 (Cth)
Pocock, David, ‘Duty of Care’ <https://adutyofcare.davidpocock.com.au/>.